after_timestamps 0.2.0
Plugin for Ruby on Rails that gives you a way to add a callback to the ActiveRecord cal...
12,198 下載
after_transaction 0.0.5
Run blocks of code after transaction is commited
20,665 下載
after_transaction_commit 2.2.2
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.after_transaction_commit { ... }
1,138,335 下載
afurmanov-clicase 0.1.11
CliCase extends TestCase with macros simplifying testing command line apps written in R...
24,589 下載
ag 0.0.1
Producers, consumers, connections and timelines.
4,378 下載
aga-architecture 0.0.20
Architecture Ruby is a lightweight gem for manage operations of aga gems.
7,016 下載
aga-beacon 0.0.1
Beacon Ruby is a lightweight gem for write, read & take size of log files.
1,027 下載
aga-bnb 0.0.1
Aga bnb Ruby is a lightweight gem for call Binance API.
1,087 下載
aga-cmc 0.0.1
Aga cmc Ruby is a lightweight gem for call CoinMarketCap API.
1,121 下載
again 1.1.4
again automatically reloads your application's code when it changes
5,969 下載
agama 0.5.4
A simple Graph DB on a key-value store
25,972 下載
aga-message 0.0.6
Message Ruby is a lightweight gem for build message & send via Telegram.
2,196 下載
aga-money 0.0.14
Money Ruby is a lightweight gem for make money with cryptos services.
5,596 下載
agaon 0.2.0
Fiken API wrapper
5,184 下載
aga_palindrome 1.0.1
Simple program to detect palindroms from Learn Enough Ruby course
6,010 下載
agape-red-recipes 0.0.6
Allows you to run various recipes against your rails apps.
23,579 下載
aga-request 0.0.3
Aga request Ruby is a lightweight gem for increase quality of coding doing request HTTP.
2,166 下載
agate 0.6.0
Format ruby characters (currently only furigana) in text for display.
49,270 下載
aga-telegram 0.0.2
Telegram Ruby is a lightweight gem for use Telegram API.
1,076 下載
Agatha is a Request/Response Service Layer built on top of WCF. (Silverlight is also su...
12,038 下載
agave-client 0.1.3
Ruby client per integrazione con AgaveCMS e jekyll
8,229 下載
agb_handicap 0.0.4
Calculate Archery GB/GNAS handicaps for standard target rounds. Based on David Lane's o...
5,249 下載
agcaldav is yet another great Ruby client for CalDAV calendar. It is based on the ical...
56,136 下載
agcod 0.1.1
Access the Amazon API to order gift codes
34,777 下載
age 0.0.3
Show your age.
13,215 下載
age_cal 0.0.1
Get the age from date.
4,961 下載
age_calc 0.1.0
Uses datetime to easily calculate age
2,769 下載
agecalci 0.1.3
Write a longer description or delete this line.
3,499 下載
age_calcs 0.1.0
Like this gem created for calculating age by given date of birth.
615 下載
age_calculator 2.0.0
A simple age calculator that just works
511,391 下載