RubyGems Navigation menu


ae-validates_timeliness 4.0.0

Adds validation methods to ActiveModel for validating dates and times. Works with multi...

60,036 下載

ae_vault 0.1.0

Scripts to verify / resolve secret manifest

2,463 下載

aex 0.1.2

Provides a wrapper for api.

7,022 下載

aez 0.1.5

AEZ binding for ruby.

11,115 下載

af 0.3.22 CLI

228,538 下載

afa_client 8.0.1

Placeholder by RubyGems Security Team

4,425 下載

af-addon-tester 0.0.7

Allows developers to test App Fog add-ons

35,404 下載

afalkear_translation_center 1.8.4

Translation Center is a multi lingual web engine for Rails 4 apps. It builds a translat...

31,178 下載

afasgem 0.0.3

A gem that wraps basic afas api functionality

9,565 下載

af-cache-money 0.2.10

Cache utilities.

6,668 下載

af-client_side_validations 3.1.4.af3

Client Side Validations

8,189 下載

afc_salesforce 0.1.29

Ruby lib for handling the connection to REST endpoints on any Sandbox and Production Sa...

63,088 下載

af-devise 2.1.2

Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

5,509 下載

afd_parser 0.2.1

Use this gem to verify and parse data files generated from REPs.

2,813 下載

af_elastic 2.0.0

Get custom event data and send to elasticsearch.

10,324 下載

afeld-opencv 0.0.8

OpenCV wrapper for Ruby

5,795 下載

affadavit 0.1.0

Construct a tree of objects that can be serialized for auditing

748 下載

affairs_of_state 0.7.2

Add a simple state to a gem, without all the hassle of a complex state machine.

54,482 下載

affect 0.4

Affect: Algebraic Effects for Ruby

9,433 下載

affected_by_destroy 1.0

Rails plugin showing which related records will be deleted from DB when :dependent => :...

5,733 下載

affected_on_destroy 0.0.2

Rails plugin showing which related records will be deleted from DB when :dependent =>...

6,644 下載

affected_tests 0.8.0

Tool-kit for testing based on changed files.

5,776 下載

affectiva-surveyor 1.5.0.pre.disco.2

A rails (gem) plugin to enable surveys in your application

2,208 下載

affidavit 0.1.0

Construct a tree of objects that can be serialized for auditing

416 下載

affiliate_window 0.1.0

A gem for communicating with Affiliate Window's Publisher Service API.

5,736 下載

affiliate-window 0.2.1.pre1

Affiliate Window provide APIs for interacting with their merchant, product and transact...

7,109 下載

affiliate_window_etl 0.0.3

An ETL for retrieving records from the Affiliate Window APIand loading them into a Post...

7,900 下載

affiliation-api-client 0.1.14

Programmatic API to access Wizypay's Affiliation Network API.

41,606 下載

affiliation-api-resource 0.0.2

Programmatic API to access Wizypay's Affliation Network API.

7,145 下載

affiliation_id 0.2.0

Track requests by affiliating them with an uniq id.

1,710 下載