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activerecord-ignored_columns 0.2.1

Backport of ActiveRecord::Base.ignored_columns into Rails 4 and 5.0

10,644 下载

activerecord-immudb-adapter 0.0.0

ActiveRecord connection adapter for Immudb.

580 下载

active_record_immutable 0.0.1

Make ActiveRecord objects immutable.

5,299 下载

activerecord-immutable 0.0.3

Include ActiveRecord::Immutable in your ActiveRecord models to make your tables append-...

243,160 下载

activerecord-implicit-order 0.1.0

Implicit Order for ActiveRecord

10,167 下载

activerecord-import 2.0.0

A library for bulk inserting data using ActiveRecord.

120,912,836 下载

active_record_importer 0.4.0

Smart gem for importing CSV files to ActiveRecord models

13,432 下载

activerecord-importer 0.3.1

activerecord-importer - Another Data Importer

30,757 下载

activerecord-import-in4systems 0.2.13

Extraction of the ActiveRecord::Base#import functionality from ar-extensions for Rails ...

32,852 下载

activerecord-import-makara 0.0.2

An activerecord-import adapter for Makara

3,531 下载

activerecord-import-oracle_enhanced 0.1.5

A library for bulk inserting data using ActiveRecord and Oracle.

25,708 下载

activerecord-import-queue 0.0.1

ActiveRecordImportQueue implements a simple queue which calls the 'import' method of th...

5,191 下载

activerecord-import-rails4 0.5.0

Extraction of the ActiveRecord::Base#import functionality from ar-extensions for Rails ...

11,750 下载

activerecord-import-sqlanywhere_jdbc_enhanced 0.1.4

A library for bulk inserting data using ActiveRecord and Sqlanywhere JDBC.

9,908 下载

activerecord-import-sqlserver 0.1.1

A library for bulk inserting data using ActiveRecord and SQL Server.

147,829 下载

activerecord-import-uuid 0.2

Extraction of the ActiveRecord::Base#import functionality from ar-extensions for Rails ...

7,193 下载

activerecord-import-vertica 0.0.5

An activerecord-import extension for Vertica

20,370 下载

activerecord-import_with_callbacks 0.3.7

A library for bulk importing data using ActiveRecord

2,943 下载

active_record_in_cache 1.0.0

Provides a method to execute SQL while automatically caching

5,297 下载

active_record_include 0.1.0

Makes it easy to have specific concern modules included into all of your models after t...

3,017 下载

activerecord-indexhint 0.0.1

Add index hints method(use/ignore/force index) to ActiveRecord

4,405 下载

activerecord-informix-adapter 1.1.1

Active Record adapter for connecting to an IBM Informix database

10,847 下载

activerecord-ingres-adapter 4.0.3

ActiveRecord Ingres Adapter and driver for the Ingres Enterprise Relational Database

18,430 下载

active_record-ingress 0.2.0

Pass control of Active Record methods to a dedicated object.

4,849 下载

active_record_inherit_assoc 2.14.0

Attribute inheritance for AR associations

101,749 下载

active_record_inline_schema 0.6.1

Specify columns like you would with ActiveRecord migrations and then run .auto_upgrade!...

126,633 下载

activerecord-insert_many 0.4.4

Adds a method for bulk-inserted records using ActiveRecord

55,935 下载

active-record-instance-count 0.0.1

Rack middleware to write the number of instantiated ActiveRecord models to a log

43,992 下载

activerecord-instance_includes 0.0.1

Provides an #includes method to eager load associations of ActiveRecord instances, for ...

3,160 下载

activerecord-instant 0.1.0

Manage ActiveRecord model instantly.

3,234 下载