RubyGems Navigation menu


augmentor 0.0.1

Augment an ActiveRecord class by including one or moe additional ActiveRecord extension...

4,158 下载

augury 2.0.0

This gem turns a twitter feed into a fortune file that you can use with the fortune pro...

26,493 下载

august 0.0.1


4,029 下载

augustl-prowl 0.1.1

Wrapprer for prowl,

3,962 下载

augustl-redclothcoderay 0.3.5

Adds CodeRay syntax highlighting support to RedCloth, with a ‘source’ tag.

13,276 下载

augusts_fancy_blog_post_parser 0.1.1

August's fancy blog post parser

7,620 下载

aui_flash 1.0.1

support to build flash and message with the atlassian style

16,160 下载

aui-rails 0.0.1

aui for rails

4,777 下载

aukan-bitmask 0.1.0

Agnostic Bitmask and BitmaskAttribute. This gem includes Bitmask for standalone usage, ...

20,406 下载

au_loan_calculations 0.1.6

AuLoanCalculations library contains a couple of useful functions for Austrlian home loans.

2,619 下载

aun 0.0.2


7,023 下载

aunderwo-acts_as_tree 1.0.4

Allows ActiveRecord Models to be easily structured as a tree

10,164 下载

aunderwo-gcal4ruby 0.5.6

A full featured wrapper for interacting with the Google Calendar API

5,785 下载

aunderwo-gdata4ruby 0.1.6

A full featured wrapper for interacting with the base Google Data API

5,731 下载

aunderwo-roo 1.1.2

roo can access the contents of OpenOffice-, Excel- or Google-Spreadsheets

20,717 下载

auntie 0.3.0

BBC News, Weather, Sport, and TV & Radio schedules right in your shell

10,840 下载

auom 0.3.1

Algebra (with) Units Of Measurement

32,606 下载

aupair 0.1.3

A Viking Code School tool for simplifyig the pairing process.

11,163 下载

au_pair 1.0.7

AuPair provides token-based authentication and versioning for Rails API applications.

24,711 下载

auphonic 0.1.0

A ruby wrapper and CLI for the Auphonic API.

4,461 下载

au_pincode 0.1.0

when provided AU pincode it will return state.

2,628 下载

aupost 0.1.3

Please go to for more details

16,921 下载

aura 0.0.1.pre10

Aura is a CMS.

2,778 下载

aural 0.0.1

flv to music

5,257 下载

AuraPrint 0.0.5

A gem which manages printing between barcodeWeb and the user's machine.

9,490 下载

aurb 1.4.1

An AUR (Arch User Repository) utility

78,724 下载

aurelia 0.1.1

Integrate in your Rails project.

6,094 下载

aurelian-contacts 0.3.3

Ruby library for consuming Google, Yahoo!, Flickr and Windows Live contacts APIs.

10,183 下载

aurelian-ruby-ahocorasick 0.6.2

Expose Aho-Corasick implementation from Strmat to Ruby.

32,150 下载

aurelian-ruby-stemmer 0.5.4

Stemmer implementation to ruby using libstemmer_c. Working with ruby 1.9.1

4,005 下载