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attr_accessible_block 0.3.2

Set attr_accessible attributes on runtime.

40,008 下载

attractor 2.6.0

Many authors (Michael Feathers, Sandi Metz) have shown that an evaluation of churn ...

118,315 下载

attractor-javascript 0.3.0

Attractor plugin for the Ruby programming language and its ecosystem

28,237 下载

attractor-rails 0.2.0

Many authors (Michael Feathers, Sandi Metz) have shown that an evaluation of churn ...

9,119 下载

attractor-ruby 0.3.0

Attractor plugin for the Ruby programming language and its ecosystem

37,609 下载

attr_args_shorthand 0.0.0

Helps handle attributes on objects with very few lines of code

3,948 下载

attr_array 1.0.1

A high performance ActiveRecord concern for Rails using the PostgreSQL array type.

4,668 下载

attr_asker 0.1.0

The 'attr_asker' method functions just like attr_reader, only it generates interrogativ...

3,360 下载

attr_bitwise 0.0.4

Bitwise attribute for ruby class and Rails model

329,302 下载

attr_bool 0.2.2

Finally attr_accessor & attr_reader with question marks for booleans!? Simply use: attr...

7,562 下载

attr_boolean 0.0.1

Shortcut for creating boolean attributes

6,432 下载

attr_bucket 0.4.1

Store a few extra (non-searchable) attributes away in a bucket. This is probably a horr...

48,466 下载

attr_cached 1.3

Defines a named attribute for an ActiveRecord model that stores its content in the Rail...

13,064 下载

attr_callback 1.0.0

The attr_callback gem lets you create user-definable callback method attributes conveni...

5,934 下载

attr-chain 0.1.2

attr_chain for chainable, single method attribute (get|setters)

5,959 下载

attr_cipher 2.0.0

Provides functionality to transparently store and retrieve encrypted attributes in Acti...

14,885 下载

attr_cleaner 1.1.0

Strips spaces from attributes, and sets empty strings to nil.

34,250 下载

attr_coerced 1.0.0

Coerced attributes for PORO models.

6,608 下载

attr_combined_accessor 1.1.1

Combined reader/writer accessors in Ruby, ideal for chaining or DSLs. This is useful fo...

7,171 下载

attr_comparable 0.2.0


4,461,276 下载

attr-csv 0.1.0

Allows you to define CSV-style attributes for your ActiveRecord models

4,733 下载

attr_default 1.0.0

Dynamic Ruby defaults for ActiveRecord attributes

4,402,850 下载

attr_defaultable 0.0.3

An additional attr macro for default values.

73,176 下载

attr_defaults 0.1.2

Mixin to specify defaults for Ruby's `attr` methods

10,036 下载

attr_delegate 0.0.1

Delegates attributes to another object

4,914 下载

attr_delegated 0.0.1

Delegate an ActiveModel attribute and all its meta methods to another model.

14,063 下载

attr_deprecated 0.0.2

A simple and non-intrusive way to mark deprecated columns/attributes in your models. An...

46,206 下载

attr_digest 2.1.1

Provides functionality to store a hash digest of an attribute using Argon2

23,795 下载

attr_effective 0.1.0

Effective values for rails model attributes using a default value from a model method o...

3,413 下载

attr_encodable 0.1.3

attr_encodable enables you to set up defaults for what is included or excluded when you...

21,515 下载