astar 0.0.2
Pathfinding library using the a* algorithm
9,188 下载
a-star 0.1.4
A* Search Algorithm for PNG images
11,290 下载
astarisk 0.2.0
Draw a graph of node tree of RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree
4,145 下载
astar_visualizer 0.0.1
A* Visualizer is an interactive application to visualize the A* pathfinding algorit...
1,972 下载
ast_ast 0.2.1
Easily convert strings into tokens. In the future you will be able to convert these int...
20,094 下载
ast_builder 0.0.1
AstBuilder is an AST tool that makes it easier to build (and eventually manipulate) nodes
2,523 下载
ast_call 1.0.0
Originate calls through Asterisk AMI.
3,844 下载
astdb 0.0.1
Interact with an Asterisk Database (AstDB) instance via ssh.
5,142 下载
ast_distance 0.1.0
2,232 下载
aster 0.0.4
A programming language for configuring servers
13,899 下载
asterank-ruby 0.1.1
Ruby Client to connect to Asterank APIs
4,236 下载
asterisk 3.0.0
This gem is a shorthand for installing Asterisk ARI Client library for Ruby.
3,770 下载
asterisk-ajam 0.0.2
Ruby module for interacting with Asterisk management interface (AMI) via HTTP
26,699 下载
asterisk-ami 0.0.4
Asterisk AMI integration gem
10,458 下载
asterisk-ari 0.0.2
Ruby client library for the Asterisk REST Interface (ARI)
7,106 下载
asterisk-ari-client 0.0.8
Ruby client library for the Asterisk REST Interface (ARI).
31,846 下载
asterisk_call_notifier 0.1.2
This gem actively monitors Asterisk's CDR CSV file (using tail -f) and publishes the la...
8,778 下载
asterisk-mailcmd 0.0.1
Asterisk voicemail emails enhancement
4,927 下载
asterisk_manager 0.2.1
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
7,107 下载
asterisk-manager 0.1.1
Ruby Gem for connecting to an Asterisk server via the AMI (Asterisk Manager Interface) ...
8,707 下载
asterisk_mini_statement 0.1.7
Outputs a mini statement of recent telephone calls from the Asterisk Call Detail Recor...
21,954 下载
AsteriskRuby 1.0.0
A full featured Asterisk AGI Framework
6,889 下载
asterisk_view_tool 0.1.1
Provides stuff for your Rails app.
2,905 下载
asteroid 0.0.3
A server configuration framework
10,545 下载
asteroids 0.0.1
This game is build with Gosu library as a final project for the "Programming with R...
3,807 下载
astkit 0.1.1
3,969 下载
astm-store 0.1.0
Gem for ASTM store
1,835 下载
ast-navigator 1.0.0
Utility functions for AST::Node
2,858 下载
aston 0.2.2
Hash/JSON is not isomorphic to XML, unless produced with this library
7,996 下载
astrails-http_require 0.0.1
allows you to require "http://foo/bar.rb"
4,224 下载