appbaseio 0.0.3
appbaseio ruby rest client
9,725 下载
appbeat 0.1.0
Provides a mountable endpoint to monitor all application and its components
2,332 下载
appboard 1.0.9
Simple and opinionated interface on top of RESTful HTTP API for pushing your data to Da...
48,029 下载
appbombado_foundation 0.0.12
Bombando seu app startae.
42,511 下载
appbombado_startae 0.1.19
Bombando seu app startae.
104,051 下载
appboost 0.0.1
Simple set up blazing unicorn nginx tools
4,913 下载
appbooster_rubocop_config 0.7
Shared rubocop config of Appbooster organization
14,841 下载
appbooster-server 0.1.0
Simple http server
2,742 下载
appborg 0.0.2
appborg helps you build hybrid apps: native + webkit* + subprocess*
10,165 下载
app_box 0.2.5
app_box provides a simple and yet very powerful structure to configure glonal settings ...
13,979 下载
appbox-octopress 0.0.2
Parse and visualize data from AppStore and GooglePlay Store to display it in Octopress ...
8,200 下载
appboy 0.1.7
Appboy wrapper
105,550 下载
app_builder 0.2.12
Application build utilities.
47,334 下载
app_builder-rails 0.2.12
Generate application to be deployed and upload to s3 (or deploy server).
13,946 下载
appbundler 0.13.4
Extracts a dependency solution from bundler's Gemfile.lock to speed gem activation
1,017,342 下载
appbundle-updater 1.0.36
Updates appbundled apps in Chef's omnibus packages
578,852 下载
app_cache 0.1.2
App System params cache in file or redis.
6,805 下载
appcache-manifest 0.0.1
Convert manifest.yml to application.manifest and add a route to point to it.
5,007 下载
appcanary 0.1.4
Check your dependencies against Appcanary's database.
51,533 下载
appcast 1.0.1
== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * FIX (list of features or problems) == SYNOPSIS: Use mongrel_...
11,460 下载
appcelerator 2.0.2
Appcelerator on Rails. Appcelerator SDK is a web2.0, ajax web application framework by ...
11,125 下载
appcenter 9001.0
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
11,126 下载
appcfg 0.3.0
A gem for centralizing different sources of application configuration data. Supports YA...
19,486 下载
appchain.rb 0.2.0
Ruby Nervos AppChain SDK for signature and rpc call
4,243 下载
appchat 0.0.7
The best and easiest framework for adding AI chats
1,395 下载
app-cli 0.0.1
framework for creating CLI tool set
6,004 下载
appconf 0.1.0
Query config values from one or more series of YAML configuration files in priority.
10,972 下载
app_conf 0.4.2
Simplest YAML Backed Application Wide Configuration (AppConfig)
290,844 下载
appconfig 0.1.1
Provides an OpenStruct/Hash-like syntax for accessing your app's configuration options,...
13,017 下载
app_config 2.7.1
An easy to use, framework agnostic, customizable library to easily store and retrieve a...
237,439 下载