AllSportDB 1.0.2
AllSportDB API wrapper gem implementation
3,139 下载
allsum-client 0.1.0
Compute MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and fuzzyhash (CTPH) of specified filetypes in specified dire...
5,920 下载
all_systems 0.2.1
An interactor encapsulates the action of specific business usecase. For example a `LogI...
11,631 下载
alltasks 0.1.3
Alltasks is the simple, painless way to get access to all of the tasks that your gems c...
20,311 下载
all-the-favicons 0.6.0
A Rails engine that outputs favicons through the assets pipeline
24,508 下载
all_the_things 0.0.0
Records the interactions between entities for meta data queries
4,070 下载
allthumbs 0.0.1
Generate single image from tons of thumbails
5,830 下载
all_todo 0.4.4
Reads a plain text file called all_todo.txt and generates a Polyrex document from it an...
36,932 下载
alltom-glapp 0.0.5
ruby-opengl wrapper for writing quick applets
14,146 下载
alltweets 2.0.0
Downloads someone's all tweets.
32,956 下载
alluc 1.1.0
'ALluc API'
15,528 下载
all-up-in-your-elo 0.0.2
Ruby wrapper for bayeselo
5,949 下载
allure-cucumber 2.25.0
Cucumber adaptor to generate rich allure test reports
5,948,124 下载
allure-report-publisher 4.3.0
Upload allure reports to different file storage providers
93,372 下载
allure-rspec 2.25.0
Cucumber adaptor to generate rich allure test reports
14,090,191 下载
allure-ruby-adaptor-api 0.7.2
This is a helper library containing the basics for any ruby-based Allure adaptor.
3,797,461 下载
allure-ruby-api 0.6.1
This is a helper library containing the basics for any ruby-based Allure adaptor.
24,089 下载
allure-ruby-commons 2.25.0
Utilities allowing to implement allure result generation by other test frameworks
15,515,361 下载
allure_turnip 0.4.0
Adaptor to use Allure framework along with the Turnip
34,016 下载
allyourbase 0.0.2
Provides access to Google's Base Base data feed. Currently read-only, public API; full...
11,509 下载
all-your-base 0.3.0
Provides numeric base conversions greater than base 36
15,704 下载
alma 0.6.1
Client for Ex Libris Alma Web Services
29,307 下载
alma_api 2.0.3
A Ruby client library for the Ex Libris Alma REST APIs
5,894 下载
alma_course_loader 0.9.4
This gem provides basic support for creating Alma course loader files.
9,032 下载
alman 0.0.2
Alman is a calendar scheduling API.
6,482 下载
almanac 0.9.2
Almanac is the most elegant mountable blog engine that can be easily hooked up in the e...
67,726 下载
almanack 1.3.1
Combined events calendar for Google Calendar, iCal, and friends.
67,998 下载
almapi 0.1.14
Gestion des appels à l'API web Alma. A détailler ensuite.
2,749 下载
alma_rest_api 1.0.1
This gem can be used as a wrapper for REST API calls for Ex Libris Alma. For exampl...
12,525 下载
almaz 0.0.3
Almaz is watching!
11,604 下载