RubyGems Navigation menu


aws-sdk-amplify 1.75.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Amplify (Amplify). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

58,935,662 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-amplifybackend 1.43.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AmplifyBackend. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

27,836,483 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-amplifyuibuilder 1.37.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Amplify UI Builder. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for R...

17,176,055 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-apigateway 1.110.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon API Gateway. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

81,167,641 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-apigatewaymanagementapi 1.55.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi. This gem is part of the AWS SD...

54,769,242 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-apigatewayv2 1.68.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonApiGatewayV2. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

58,285,130 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-appconfig 1.61.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon AppConfig (AppConfig). This gem is part of the AWS SDK...

42,917,252 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-appconfigdata 1.32.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS AppConfig Data. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

17,567,526 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-appfabric 1.21.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AppFabric. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

4,839,446 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-appflow 1.70.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Appflow. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

32,539,477 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-appintegrationsservice 1.45.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon AppIntegrations Service. This gem is part of the AWS S...

27,724,560 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-applicationautoscaling 1.98.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Application Auto Scaling. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for...

77,559,000 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-applicationcostprofiler 1.35.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Application Cost Profiler. This gem is part of the AWS SD...

24,006,305 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-applicationdiscoveryservice 1.81.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Application Discovery Service. This gem is part of the AW...

75,396,307 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-applicationinsights 1.59.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights (Application Insights)...

46,929,083 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-applicationsignals 1.13.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals. This gem is part of th...

811,213 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-appmesh 1.73.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS App Mesh. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

58,093,579 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-appregistry 1.46.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Service Catalog App Registry (AppRegistry). This gem is p...

29,475,191 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-apprunner 1.51.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS App Runner. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

25,477,261 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-appstream 1.102.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon AppStream. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

74,732,596 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-appsync 1.94.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS AppSync (AWSAppSync). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for...

72,465,247 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-apptest 1.10.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Mainframe Modernization Application Testing. This gem is ...

791,932 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-arczonalshift 1.26.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS ARC - Zonal Shift. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

9,191,030 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-artifact 1.14.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Artifact. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

1,622,402 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-athena 1.97.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Athena. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

82,555,435 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-auditmanager 1.59.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Audit Manager. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

29,689,496 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-augmentedai 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Augmented AI. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

589 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-augmentedairuntime 1.49.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Augmented AI Runtime. This gem is part of the AWS SDK ...

40,050,052 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-autoscaling 1.128.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Auto Scaling. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

88,551,112 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-autoscalingplans 1.66.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Auto Scaling Plans. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for R...

69,203,533 ダウンロード数