amonitor 0.0.2
BJSS Availability Monitor
3,040 ダウンロード数
amor 0.3.1
AMoR is a Ruby DSL for mathematical programming. It allows to simply define a mathemati...
21,098 ダウンロード数
amorail 0.7.2
Ruby API client for AmoCRM. You can integrate your system with it.
74,471 ダウンロード数
amorim-algorithms 0.6.1
Heap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algori...
4,093 ダウンロード数
Amortize 0.0.1
Tools for mortgage calculations etc
5,810 ダウンロード数
amortizer 0.1.0
A simple gem to calculate amortizing loan payments, as part of training at Samyukti
12,413 ダウンロード数
amos 0.0.4
A simple server that determines the model and action data based upon the incoming url.
19,591 ダウンロード数
amount 1.0.0
An amount of money with currency and 18-digit precision.
542 ダウンロード数
amountable 0.5.0
With Amountable, you can easily attach, organize and sum Ruby money fields to your mode...
749,698 ダウンロード数
amount_field 1.4.3
Rails gem/plugin that accepts (amount) values in german or us format like 1.234,56 or 1...
21,271 ダウンロード数
amount_field_rails3 3.0.1
Rails gem/plugin that accepts (amount) values in german or us format like 1.234,56 or 1...
11,129 ダウンロード数
amount_formatter 0.0.3
Amount formatting for Ruby.
19,949 ダウンロード数
amount_inflector 3.0.3
Amount Inflector for year/month/week/day (Croatian)
30,697 ダウンロード数
amp 0.5.3
Version Control in Ruby. Mercurial Compatible. Big Ideas.
23,224 ダウンロード数
amp4e_ldap_tool 0.0.4
Write a longer description or delete this line.
4,958 ダウンロード数
amp_base_theme 0.0.14
A starter pack for AMP-based ( Jekyll sites
21,654 ダウンロード数
amp-core 0.2.0
Amp's required plugin, providing core functionality (such as repository detection and a...
11,072 ダウンロード数
ampedxx-mygem 0.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
2,471 ダウンロード数
ampedxx-wechat-protocal 0.1.5
10,158 ダウンロード数
ampedxx-yrpc 0.1.6
4,409 ダウンロード数
ampel_extase 0.8.0
Library to control the build traffic light. Yes, we can…
33,562 ダウンロード数
ampercoin 0.0.1
A simple cyptocurrency based on bitcoin
4,078 ダウンロード数
ampercoin-cli 0.0.1
A command line interface to the cryptocurrency ampercoin
4,103 ダウンロード数
ampere 1.2.3
An ActiveRecord/Mongoid-esque object model for the Redis key/value data store.
45,532 ダウンロード数
amperka 0.1.1
Top Secret
7,311 ダウンロード数
ampersand_x 0.0.2
&X brings expressiveness back to Ruby procs
7,955 ダウンロード数
ampersat 1.0.1
Calculates which email domains your subscribers use
11,111 ダウンロード数
ampex 3.0.0
Why would you want to write { |x| x['one'] } when you can write &X['one'], why indeed.
250,630 ダウンロード数
amp-front 0.2.0
The generic front-end used by Amp. May be completely published as a generic library in ...
11,045 ダウンロード数
amp-git 0.2.0
This gem provides git support to Amp. It is bundled with Amp itself.
11,194 ダウンロード数