acuitydata 0.0.4
A client for using API in Ruby. This is an unofficial project.
1 107 Téléchargements
acumatica 0.7.0
A wrapper for the acumatica API
18 207 Téléchargements
ac_uniquify 0.1.0
Generate a unique token with Active Record
8 029 Téléchargements
acunote-ruby-prof 0.9.2
ruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and therefore is many t...
7 458 Téléchargements
acv2lrtemplate 0.2.1
Easily convert .acv (Photoshop Curves) to .lrtemplate (Adobe Lightroom Preset) files.
6 547 Téléchargements
acvwilson-acvwilson-currency 0.6.0
Currency conversions for Ruby
7 842 Téléchargements
Currency conversions for Ruby
35 227 Téléchargements
acw 1.3.3
Active Campaign Wrapper.
15 237 Téléchargements
acxiom 0.0.1
Wrapper for Acxiom API.
3 584 Téléchargements
ad 1.1.1
A wrapper around Ruby's net-ldap library to ease authentication and record finding
11 463 Téléchargements
a_d 0.0.1
Tools for interacting with Active directory. Geared towards user authentication against...
4 506 Téléchargements
ad2games-ui_components 2.4.2
UI components for ad2games projects
51 667 Téléchargements
ada 0.1.0
3 563 Téléchargements
adaboost 0.0.4
AdaBoost classifier!
12 268 Téléchargements
adacosta-labilerecord 0.0.9
* Simple data access for dynamic data sets through postgres with ruby
28 391 Téléchargements
ada_dev 0.0.1
A gem to automate Ada Dev life
5 034 Téléchargements
adafruit_charlcd 0.1.0
A port of the Adafruit_Python_CharLCD Library
2 837 Téléchargements
adafruit-io 2.0.0
API Client Library for the Adafruit IO product
30 197 Téléchargements
adafruit-servo-driver 0.0.2
A Ruby implementation of Adafruit's Python library for the Adafruit PCA9685 16-Channel ...
7 435 Téléchargements
ad_agency 0.1.2
One of the facilities I missed in moving from hoe to jeweler was the ability to easily ...
19 012 Téléchargements
ad_agent 0.0.6
31 090 Téléchargements
ad-agent_architecture 0.0.24
Architecture/Schema for AI Agents
3 854 Téléchargements
adal 1.0.0
Windows Azure Active Directory authentication client library
558 264 Téléchargements
adalog 0.5.0
A not-quite logger, with several storage methods. Records occurrences, provides a web a...
9 880 Téléchargements
adam 1.6.0
Adam is a library for all things EVE
63 261 Téléchargements
adam12-maxmind 0.1.2
4 383 Téléchargements
adam6050 0.1.4
This library implements a server that emulates the functionality of the network connect...
10 323 Téléchargements
adama 0.1.5
Command and Invoker pattern.
17 670 Téléchargements
adamaig-ruby_activeworld 0.3
A ruby binding, and sugary methods for the Activeworlds SDK. You must have the linux sd...
10 746 Téléchargements
adamantite 0.0.16
A local password manager written in Ruby.
5 907 Téléchargements