RubyGems Navigation menu


acts_as_joinable 1.3.3

Adds access control to objects by giving them members, each with configurable permissions.

20 721 Téléchargements

acts-as-joinable 0.2.6

DRYing up Many-to-Many Relationships in ActiveRecord

229 750 Téléchargements

acts_as_journalized 3.3.0

Plug-in uses for tracking and recording changes of attributes in model

6 693 Téléchargements

acts_as_kaltura 1.3.2

Acts as kaltura

95 149 Téléchargements

acts_as_keyed 1.0.0

A simple plugin that automatically generates a key for a model on create. It takes care...

94 052 Téléchargements

acts_as_keywordable 0.0.9

real quick gem to add keywords across multiple models

8 687 Téléchargements

acts_as_kiai 0.0.1


4 755 Téléchargements

acts_as_king 0.0.2

Hierarchical ActiveRecord models. Inspired by acts_as_tree. Trees are shady.

18 043 Téléchargements

acts_as_label 1.1.7

This acts_as extension implements a system label and a friendly label on a class and ce...

137 450 Téléchargements


Super Complex Layouts in Rails with single Configuration file

9 790 Téléchargements

acts_as_learnable 0.2.0

ActsAsLearnable is a Ruby gem for ActiveRecord models. It provides a simple way to crea...

13 386 Téléchargements

acts_as_likeable 0.1.0

Acts as Likeable

13 170 Téléchargements

acts_as_liked 0.1.0

Add like feature to any Active Record models

7 628 Téléchargements

acts_as_link 0.0.6

ActsAsLink provides: verification if a link is broken; verification if a link is to an ...

50 279 Téléchargements

acts_as_linkable 0.0.5

Expects ActiveRecord models to call acts_as_linkable :name => :link_name_method...

32 868 Téléchargements


Menus, Links, SEO, Rails

10 001 Téléchargements

acts_as_list 1.2.4

This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number ...

49 243 795 Téléchargements

acts-as-list 0.1.2

Gem version of acts_as_list Rails plugin.

51 567 Téléchargements

acts_as_list_ar 0.1.0

Make your model acts as a list. This acts_as extension provides the capabilities for so...

10 149 Téléchargements


Make your Mongoid model acts as a list. This acts_as extension provides the capabilitie...

75 680 Téléchargements

acts_as_list_neo4j 0.0.2

Make your ActiveNode acts as a list. This acts_as extension provides the capabilities f...

6 966 Téléchargements

acts_as_list-rails3 0.0.4

This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number ...

57 750 Téléchargements

acts_as_list_with_sti_support 1.0.3

This acts_as extension does everything acts_as_list does, but it also works in single t...

81 772 Téléchargements

acts_as_living 0.1.19

An ActiveRecord plugin that assists in acts_as_living stage progressions.

32 475 Téléchargements

acts_as_localizable 0.3.5

Set ActiveRecord field values or retrieve them based on the I18n current locale or by m...

52 222 Téléchargements

acts_as_localized 0.0.3

A gem that adds simple mechanism to deal with localization of Active Record models

10 749 Téléchargements

acts_as_lockable 0.2.5

This gem built to allowing records to be lockable. It's lock your records and let'em un...

20 415 Téléchargements

acts_as_lockable_by 0.1.12

A ruby gem to atomically lock resources to prevent concurrent/multiple lockers from acc...

44 768 Téléchargements

acts_as_loggable 0.0.1

Create and display activity feeds easily

9 246 Téléchargements

acts_as_lookup 0.2.1

Provides an easy means for creating models that act like enumerations or lookup tables....

52 854 Téléchargements