awesome_integer 0.1.1
A gem to format integer
3.408 Descargas
awesome-jekyll-theme 1.2.1
A clean, versatile Jekyll theme with minimalist design and robust features. Ideal for p...
3.139 Descargas
awesomekit 0.0.7
Possibly the most "Awesome" CLI for Typekit Ever
7.364 Descargas
awesome_link 0.0.6
Wrapper for the link_to method to include font-awesome icons.
4.704 Descargas
awesome_list_generator 0.0.1.alpha
Leverage Ruby and Liquid to transform data into a markdown file that you can use to eas...
1.599 Descargas
awesome_loader 1.5.0
An awesome wrapper for Ruby's built-in autoload
23.768 Descargas
awesomelog 0.0.1
Colors logger output according to level
4.897 Descargas
awesome_logger 0.0.1
Awesome logging
5.795 Descargas
awesomemailer 0.2.4
AwesomeMailer embeds your e-mail CSS inline, allowing you to write e-mail templates wit...
46.493 Descargas
awesome_map_marker 0.1.4
AwesomeMapMarker is a library that generates markers from Fontawesome 5. Generate marke...
9.701 Descargas
awesome-markers-rails 1.0.4
Awesome Markers for Rails Asset Pipeline
18.410 Descargas
awesome_nested_fields 0.6.4
Awesome dynamic nested fields for Rails and jQuery
576.934 Descargas
awesome_nested_set 3.8.0
An awesome nested set implementation for Active Record
20.960.901 Descargas
awesome_nested_set_jrmurad 1.4.3
An awesome nested set implementation for Active Record with modifications by bartocc, c...
5.805 Descargas
awesome_nested_set-tools 1.0.2
Provides helpers and tools for awesome nested set.
22.601 Descargas
awesome_o 0.0.1
AwesomeO is a frameworke agnostic, redis-backed, shopping cart system
2.959 Descargas
awesome_palindrome 1.1.1
Palindrome detector
1.926 Descargas
awesome_preloader 1.0.0
Description of AwesomePreloader.
3.343 Descargas
awesomeprint 0.0.1
You probably meant `gem install awesome_print`.
3.943 Descargas
awesome_print 1.9.2
Great Ruby debugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure....
243.924.639 Descargas
awesome_print-carrierwave 0.0.3
Replace ugly inspection of mounted CarrierWave uploaders in Awesome Print
67.176 Descargas
awesome_print_carrier_wave_uploader 0.0.1
Formats CarrierWave::Uploader instance objects with AwesomePrint
4.264 Descargas
awesome_print_colors 0.0.1
A collection of colour schemes for Michael Dvorkin's awesome_print. This codebase is u...
7.987 Descargas
awesome_print_json 0.9.0
Using awesome_print gem, pretty-print JSON in terminal.
4.509 Descargas
awesome_print_lite 0.1.0
Subset of Awesome print functionality for Opal.
3.583 Descargas
awesome_print_motion 0.1.0
Great RubyMotion dubugging companion: pretty print RubyMotion objects to visualize thei...
10.385 Descargas
awesome_pry 0.0.1
Replaces your application's console with pry powered by awesome_print.
45.373 Descargas
awesome-pry 0.0.4
Pry with useful gems included and some debugger shortcuts
12.592 Descargas
awesomer 1.1.1
Awesomer is a ruby library for interacting with the +awesome+ window manager. It replac...
25.508 Descargas
awesome_rails_console 0.4.5
Enhance rails console by using awesome_print, pry and several pry plugins. And useful p...
455.992 Descargas