awesome_counter_cache 0.0.3
Counter caching with a bit more for Rails
6.837 Descargas
awesomecrawler 0.1.3
A little website crawler.
9.062 Descargas
AwesomeDadBlog 0.1.0
Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
2.279 Descargas
awesome_data_structures 0.0.1
Awesome Data Structures such as Trees, Graphs etc
2.320 Descargas
awesome_delete 0.0.3
Recursively delete a collection and its all assoication with less sqls
5.892 Descargas
awesome_dump 0.0.1
Great Ruby dubugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure....
5.499 Descargas
awesome_engine 0.1.2
Rails Engines with automagic extensions.
14.072 Descargas
awesome_errors 0.1.0
AwesomeErrors is a simply way to add errors to your Ruby objects and classes.
1.128 Descargas
awesome_explain 1.0.1
AwesomeExplain provides the same APM level of query analysis under your development and...
57.925 Descargas
awesome-final-gem 0.0.0
Incredible and awesome gem, all you need is here owo
1.142 Descargas
awesome_flags 2.2.1
Outputs keys used in the FlagShihTzu setup. Can be filtered by column for models with m...
66.906 Descargas
awesome_fluent_logger 1.0.1
This library can mimic Ruby's built-in Logger class to forward logs to fluent.You can u...
34.554 Descargas
awesome_form 0.0.1
Yet another form handler for rails.
4.377 Descargas
awesome_form_attributes 1.2.4
Easy way to write attributes for DB based Object in the VIEWS
29.562 Descargas
awesome_game_randomizer 0.1.3
Write a longer description or delete this line.
2.479 Descargas
awesome_gem 0.0.0
awesome_gem is the best
5.590 Descargas
awesome-gem 0.0.1
An awesome gem
5.863 Descargas
awesome_gem1 0.0.1
Much longer explanation of the example!
2.202 Descargas
awesome_gem_24062019 0.0.2
awesome_gem is the best
4.780 Descargas
awesome_gem_dheeraj 0.0.0
awesome_gem is the best
3.060 Descargas
awesome_gem_duy 0.0.0
awesome_gem_duy demo viblo
2.410 Descargas
awesome_gem_nitanshu 0.0.0
A Demo Gem for implementation
3.001 Descargas
awesome_gems 0.0.1
3.559 Descargas
awesome-grpc-that-works 0.12.2
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
8.513 Descargas
awesome_hstore_translate 0.4.0
This gem uses PostgreSQLs hstore datatype and ActiveRecord models to translate model da...
33.101 Descargas
awesome_imports 0.0.4
Cool and simple data importer for rails by CSV
14.464 Descargas
awesome_integer 0.1.1
A gem to format integer
3.424 Descargas
awesome-jekyll-theme 1.2.1
A clean, versatile Jekyll theme with minimalist design and robust features. Ideal for p...
3.253 Descargas
awesomekit 0.0.7
Possibly the most "Awesome" CLI for Typekit Ever
7.385 Descargas
awesome_link 0.0.6
Wrapper for the link_to method to include font-awesome icons.
4.714 Descargas