RubyGems Navigation menu


arbre 2.0.2

Arbre makes it easy to generate HTML directly in Ruby

39.683.458 Descargas

arbre2 2.2.4

An Object Oriented DOM Tree in Ruby

20.926 Descargas

arbre-form 0.1.0

Implements Arbre components for forms

2.440 Descargas

arbs 0.2.0

A duck that acts like ActiveRecord::Base, but doesn't have any of the AR::B functionality.

21.010 Descargas

arb_spider 1.1.2

A spider for network resources.

6.808 Descargas

arb-str 1.0.0

Enhance of String.

2.940 Descargas

arb-thread 1.0.1

A simple "thread pool" for parallel tasks.

4.871 Descargas

arbutus 0.0.1

Ancestry tree for Hanami::Model

2.767 Descargas

arb_web 1.2.0

Encapsulation of HTTPClient&nokogiri

9.238 Descargas

arb-xmu-course 2.6.1

XMU Course

35.046 Descargas


Compatible with mysql, sqlite, and postgres

37.325 Descargas

arc42-pandoc 1.1.0

This is a micro gem for creating arc42 markdown boilerplate code and for converting it ...

5.023 Descargas

arca 2.3.1

Arca is a callback analyzer for ActiveRecord ideally suited for digging yourself out of...

26.060 Descargas

arcabouco 0.2.16

Arcabouco WebApp Framework

75.928 Descargas

ar_cache 2.2.0

An modern cacheing library for ActiveRecord inspired by cache-money and second_level_ca...

16.660 Descargas

arcade 0.3.0

Arcade is a simple Ruby-vased DSL for creating old-school arcade games like Pong. The ...

18.425 Descargas

arcadedb 0.5.0

Provides access to ArcadeDB from ruby

1.749 Descargas

arcadex 1.3.1

If you've recently created an API you may have felt frustrated at the removal of Devise...

38.246 Descargas

arcadia 1.1.1

Arcadia IDE

170.509 Descargas

arcadia_cops 4.0.4

Contains enabled rubocops for Arcadia ruby repos.

54.051 Descargas

arcadia_logger 0.1.2

Enables flexible logging to multiple adapters by providing common interface

19.543 Descargas

arcadian_animal 0.0.6

A simple server naming gem

11.574 Descargas

arcana 0.1.0

file/libmagic based mime sniffing in pure Ruby

2.619 Descargas

arcane 1.2.0

Parameter filter done OO, extending strong parameters.

77.339 Descargas

arcanosz-mercury 0.1.0

Customized API

772 Descargas

arcanum 0.0.0

Perform Tarot card readings in Ruby

2.760 Descargas

arcanus 1.3.0

Tool for working with encrypted secrets in repositories

308.848 Descargas

arc_api 0.1.0

Ruby interface for interacting with the Arc API

2.346 Descargas

arcaptcha 1.0.0

Display and verify arcaptcha service captcha

1.764 Descargas

arcball 1.2.0

A ArcBall in java for propane and PiCrate

19.936 Descargas