RubyGems Navigation menu


application_digester 0.1.6

Generate a digest of your application files.

15.968 Descargas

application_env 0.0.1

Detect application environments.

667 Descargas

application_form 0.5.4

Lightweight inheritance based forms solution

9.687 Descargas

application_insights 0.5.6

This project extends the Application Insights API surface to support Ruby.

3.884.342 Descargas

application_module 0.0.2

Classes to help breaking down Rails app into modules

48.310 Descargas

application_presenter 0.0.1

ApplicationPresenter is an opinionated implementation of the Presenter pattern, a subpa...

2.743 Descargas

applicationrecommendation 0.1.1

There are two different types of users firsttime and frequent

5.696 Descargas

application_seeds 0.9.1

A library for managing standardized application seed data

670.632 Descargas

application_service 0.4.1

A service layer scaffold for rails apps extracted from Agra

49.539 Descargas

applicious_utils 0.1.95

Helper JS & Ruby Functions

372.808 Descargas

applidget-oauth2 0.0.3

A strategy to connect to Applidget Accounts based on the OAuth2 spec.

10.353 Descargas

applidok 1.0.3

Client API for Applidok PDF templating

12.956 Descargas

applied 0.1.0

Ruby Gem for AI Applied service (

7.141 Descargas

applied_css 0.0.5

Gem for interrogating CSS and Script elements of a html document

16.096 Descargas

applinks 0.1.7

A rails engine that provides a helper which writes (hopefully) correctly formatted appl...

42.009 Descargas

applin-rails 0.7.0

Create mobile apps using only backend code. Applin™ is a Server-Driven UI (SDUI) system.

3.084 Descargas

applist 0.1.1

Creates a list of free apps available on the Apple app store.

2.431 Descargas

applix 0.4.14

ApplixHash#from_argv builds hashes from ARGV like argument vectors according to fol...

95.934 Descargas

appllllw 0.0.1


3.864 Descargas

appload 0.1.2

Guiding iOS release managers through appstore upload.

9.170 Descargas

applocale 0.4.4

Applocale is a localization tool, It can convert file between string and xlsx ,csv, als...

48.881 Descargas

applocale-ruby 0.0.10

Easily pull in your locales from

4.966 Descargas

applocate 0.5.0

Connect to applocate and provision devices and push profiles.

47.131 Descargas

applog 0.0.2


6.879 Descargas

app_logger 0.0.4

Rack middleware to output like access log.

14.766 Descargas

applover_jwt 0.0.0

A simple jwt gem

611 Descargas

apply 1.0.2

Wraps single-argument procs in conditional closures.

7.300 Descargas

applyrics 0.0.4

Handle localization for all your mobile projects

10.501 Descargas

appmail 0.0.2

Ruby library for the AppMail E-Mail Platform

5.603 Descargas

appmail-mailgem 1.0.0

Use AppMail with the Ruby mail gem

2.958 Descargas