ant-server 0.1.0
This gems can be used along a server app with jsonformat messages
2.853 Descargas
ant-ssl 0.1.0
Package for creating self signed certificates for development purpose
2.840 Descargas
ant-storage 0.1.1
This module helps to design persistance modules that are very configurable about wh...
4.816 Descargas
antsy 0.0.7
utility functions for ansible modules
18.214 Descargas
anttrap 0.03
A tiny Gem that can generate an Apache Ant build file from a Rakefile. This allows for ...
16.210 Descargas
ant_tsp 0.0.1
ant to solve travelling salesman
4.556 Descargas
antw-dyno 0.1.3
A rubygem for parsing sim-racing results files.
7.594 Descargas
ant-wireless 0.4.0
A binding for the ANT ultra-low power wireless protocol via the Garmin USB ANT Stick. A...
12.403 Descargas
antw-kin 0.4.1
Components commonly used in Showcase which can be applied to other projects.
14.002 Descargas
antwort 1.0.1
E-Mail development, build and test system.
8.640 Descargas
Antwrap 0.7.0
A Ruby module that wraps the Apache Ant build tool. Antwrap can be used to invoke Ant T...
111.706 Descargas
antw-simple_state 0.2.1
A *very simple* state machine implementation.
4.198 Descargas
anubis 0.0.1
4.358 Descargas
anuhea_view_tool 0.1.0
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
2.805 Descargas
anujdas-thrift-validator 0.2.0
Recursive thrift struct validator
2.563 Descargas
anu-ldap 0.4.2
A Ruby library for querying the ANU LDAP server.
4.565 Descargas
anupom-anobik 0.0.4
Rack middleware Ruby micro-framework
10.690 Descargas
anus 1.8.5
anus gem.
349 Descargas
anusblaster 0.1.0
pls ignore i am only test gem
3.065 Descargas
anusha_dasari_gem_trial 0.1.2
Write a longer description or delete this line.
4.187 Descargas
anveo-ec2ssh 0.2.1
Since ec2 instance public hostnames are dynamic, and not easy to remember or type, this...
24.049 Descargas
AnVH 0.0.1
Making the world become better
5.006 Descargas
anvil 0.0.1
A collection of DSL's and frameworks that take full advantage of Ruby's powerful syntax
6.749 Descargas
anvil-cli 0.16.2
Alternate Heroku build workflow
266.570 Descargas
anvil-core 0.6.0
Anvil is a tool for building tools.
41.374 Descargas
anvisa-bot 0.2.3
Pesquisa de produtos para saúde registrados
5.821 Descargas
anvl 0.3.0
Ruby ANVL implementation
42.256 Descargas
anvl-converter 0.2.4
Ruby library to parse and generate A Name-Value Language (ANVL).
17.359 Descargas
any 0.1.0
An Any type, much like Scala, that matches anything.
62.372 Descargas
any2html 0.0.5
Open textfiles formatted in various markup syntax in browser
23.011 Descargas