RubyGems Navigation menu


anti_rest 0.0.1

Prevent DELETE and PUT HTTP methods

5.333 Descargas

antisamy 0.3.1

AntiSamy is a library to clean user-supplied HTML/CSS. This gem is a port of the anti-s...

26.267 Descargas


creating OS X Lion type scrollbars - Antiscroll, for Rails!

7.566 Descargas

antismoker 0.1.0

Yet another HTTP smoke testing framework.

15.533 Descargas

antismoker-memcache 0.0.1

An antismoker plugin for smoke testing memcache services.

5.184 Descargas

antismoker-msgpack-rpc 0.0.1

An antismoker plugin for smoke testing msgpack-rpc services.

5.316 Descargas

antispam 0.2.11

Antispam checks DNS blacklists and helps prevent spam on your site.

11.922 Descargas

anti_spam 0.0.2

Prevent spam from non-javascript bots

7.338 Descargas

antisyslog 0.0.1

A totally non-compliant syslog Rails logger

3.932 Descargas

antitheme 0.3.1

Attempted minimalistic Jekyll theme.

1.523 Descargas

antivirus 0.0.2

Profanity filter for Rails application.

15.540 Descargas

anti-war-handbook-gem 0.1.3

Справочник для антивоенных споров в семье и на работе

4.471 Descargas

antiwordr 0.1.0

Uses command-line antiword tools to convert Docs to text.

6.522 Descargas

ant-logger 0.2.1

Make logs formatter and handling easier

6.789 Descargas

antlr3 1.10.0

Full power of Java's ANTLR 3 language recognition tool brought to Ruby. Generate lexers...

176.691 Descargas

antlr4 0.9.2

Ruby implementation of the Antlr4 runtime. This is needed by any parser/lexer written i...

4.117 Descargas

antlr4-native 2.2.1

Create a Ruby native extension from any ANTLR4 grammar.

32.845 Descargas

antlr4ruby 0.1.0

ruby runtime for antlr4. antlr4 的 ruby 运行时。

619 Descargas

antlr4-runtime 0.2.12

This gem implements a runtime for ANTLR4 in Ruby for lexers and parsers generated using...

40.539 Descargas

antlr-gemerator 2.1.0

Generate a complete Rubygem from any ANTLR4 grammar.

4.259 Descargas


ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a language tool that provides a framew...

6.319 Descargas

antlypls-authlogic 3.0.3

Hacked version of binarylogic/authlogic for mongoid support

5.813 Descargas

ant-mapper 0.0.2


6.294 Descargas

ant-nanoservice 0.1.0

Helps to create CRUD objects from a config

2.838 Descargas

antonio 1.0.0

There's rapists out there. Use Antonio to quickly hide files and directories from the c...

6.095 Descargas

antonio_palindrome 0.2.0

Learn Enough Palindrome Detector

2.042 Descargas

antonjenkins-model_sync 0.1.4

Sync changes to an ActiveRecord model to another model

17.179 Descargas

ant-pool-api 0.0.2

Gem for acsess to api ant pool

7.553 Descargas

antra 0.0.1.pre.init

Antra is a Ruby-Application to analyse money-transactions on your local machine.

2.400 Descargas

ants 0.3.14

Collection of concerns and helpers for Rails + Mongoid + Character web development.

66.521 Descargas