anoubis_sso_client 1.0.2
Library for create basic SSO Client based on OAUTH authentication.
1.928 Descargas
anoubis_sso_server 1.0.5
Library for create basic SSO Server based on OAUTH authentication for simplify deployment.
5.718 Descargas
anpo 1.0.1
Simple and stupidly pofile parser.
6.244 Descargas
anp_prices 1.02
Get fuel prices of the ANP - Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis
13.939 Descargas
ansa 1.1.1
Read all the news from
2.452 Descargas
anschel 0.7.19
Logstash-like for moving events from Kafka into Elasticsearch.
94.728 Descargas
ansei 0.2.0
Ansei is a static site generator, of sorts.
5.036 Descargas
ansel 3.0.0
Convert ANSEL encoded text to UTF-8
9.243 Descargas
ansel_iconv 1.1.7
Convert ANSEL encoded text to any other encoding available to Iconv
48.213 Descargas
anserine 0.0.0
Migrate from one remote git repository to another
5.762 Descargas
anshul_view_tool 0.2.0
Provides generated HTML data for Rails Application
2.524 Descargas
ansi 1.5.0
The ANSI project is a superlative collection of ANSI escape code related libraries eabl...
79.776.980 Descargas
ansi256 0.3.0
Colorize text using 256-color ANSI codes
151.231 Descargas
ansi2html 5.3.4
Convert ANSI escape sequences to styleable HTML markup
67.378 Descargas
ansi2txt 24.03.29
ansi2txt converts ANSI escape sequences to readable plain text.
343 Descargas
ansi_art 0.0.1
Render AsciiArt to HTML and PNG format
5.731 Descargas
ansible 0.2.2
Ansible is a fast (somewhat rough) conversion tool that takes a string with ANSI escape...
88.060 Descargas
ansible4ozw 0.0.7
Ruby-based home automation scripting framework for KNX and ZWave devices.
30.302 Descargas
ansible_doc_generator 0.1.0
CLI for generating documentation of Ansible roles based on a ma...
2.375 Descargas
ansible_eyc_inventory 0.0.3
Ansible dynamic inventory script generator for Engine Yard Cloud
13.155 Descargas
ansible_galaxy 0.1.8
Ruby wrapper for the Ansible Galaxy HTTP API
5.843 Descargas
ansible-galaxy-sync 0.1.8
Commandline tool to sync Ansible Galaxy Metadata
5.781 Descargas
ansible-helper 0.0.2
A small command line helper that helps automate repetitive ta...
8.269 Descargas
ansible_make_role 0.8.0
ansible-make-role process a single-file role definition file ...
15.785 Descargas
ansible_module 0.9.3
AnsibleModule is a Ruby class that provides basic functionalities as an Ansible module.
12.693 Descargas
ansible-powerplay 1.4.7
Ansible Powerplay, by way of its DSL, allows you to specify your...
76.125 Descargas
ansibler 0.2.2
ansibler is a Ruby gem that provides utility classes for modeling, reading and writing ...
12.579 Descargas
ansible-rails 0.9.6
Ansible provides a conveniance method to your Rails controllers for creating SSEs.
16.245 Descargas
ansiblerepo-builder 0.5.4
Ansible playbook repo builder for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery artifact p...
65.149 Descargas
ansible-role 1.1.2
Gem with some useful Ansible role command line tools.
27.596 Descargas