RubyGems Navigation menu


angstrom 0.5.0

Angstrom is an Mongrel2 fronted, actor-based web development framework similar in style...

5.752 Descargas

ang_ttt_gem 1.0.8

A Tic Tac Toe game made by Angeleah

43.459 Descargas

angular2-rails 2.0.0

This gem is not longer maintained and i suggest to use angular2 with webpack (npm) or w...

8.223 Descargas

angular_automation 1.0.10

Collection of angular automation gems.

101.344 Descargas

angular-clipboard 0.1.0

angular-clipboard.js Copy text to clipboard by clicking a button, without using Flash

3.389 Descargas

angular_config 0.3.1

Manage configuration in minified/uglified Angular apps by swapping out cryptographicall...

3.253 Descargas

angular_csrf 0.1.6

Extends Rails CSRF protection to play nicely with AngularJS.

35.122 Descargas

angular-csrf-cookie-rails 0.1.0

Zero-Configuration XSRF protection with Rails and AngularJS

5.542 Descargas

angular-dragdrop-rails 1.0.2

angular-dragdrop-directive packaged for Rails assets pipeline

10.376 Descargas

angular-dynamic-locale-rails 0.1.30

Module to be able to change the locale at an angularjs application

3.442 Descargas

angular-faye-rails 0.2.0

Angular + Faye, packaged for Rails assets pipeline

26.406 Descargas


Includes an AngularJS Directive for uploading files as an asset in the Rails Asset Pipe...

20.557 Descargas

angular-float-box 0.1.4

Framework for building a mobile responsive angular CRUD container with layouts for crea...

11.636 Descargas

angular_form_validation 0.1.8

Implement easily angular validation via form_for and form_tag helpers

13.818 Descargas

angular-gem 1.3.8

Include Angularjs in rails and nothing more (ripped from angular-rails)

201.504 Descargas

angular_gettext 0.1.3

A twine formatter for angular gettext's .POs

10.957 Descargas


Super-simple translation support for Angular.JS

9.144 Descargas

angular-history-rails 0.7.3

Adds the angular-history module to the asset pipeline

4.328 Descargas

angular-hotkeys-rails 0.0.1

Asset Pipline wrapper around "keyboard shortcuts for your Angular apps." angular-hotkeys

4.657 Descargas

angular-html2js 0.0.4

Angular HTML2JS allows you to use ng templates as first class citizens in the Rails/Spr...

20.117 Descargas

angular-i18n 0.1.2

AngularJS localization filter

17.400 Descargas

angularjs-file-upload-rails 2.4.1

Angular File Upload is a module for the AngularJS framework.

257.207 Descargas

angularjs-foundation-rails 0.8.0

Injects AngularJS Foundation directives into your asset pipeline.

10.367 Descargas

angularjs_json_middleware 0.0.1

Prepend AngularJS JSON vulnerability protection string ")]}',\n" to all JSON responses.

4.659 Descargas

angularjs-on-rails 0.1.2

AngularJS on Rails wraps the AngularJS 1.2.21 library for use in Rails 3.1 and above. T...

7.647 Descargas

angularjs-rails 1.8.0

Injects Angular.js into your asset pipeline as well as other Angular modules.

7.573.456 Descargas

angularjs-rails-cdn 0.1.4

Adds CDN support to angularjs-rails

24.493 Descargas

angularjs-rails-gem 1.1.2

Injects Angular.js into your asset pipeline as well as other Angular modules.

5.119 Descargas

angularjs-rails-resource 2.3.1

A small AngularJS add-on for integrating with Rails via JSON more easily.

1.076.487 Descargas

angularjs_scaffold 0.0.24

A rails plugin for scaffolding views using Angular.js, Twitter bootstrap and font awesome.

33.919 Descargas