RubyGems Navigation menu


amdirent_stripe 0.1.0

Helpers for Stripe

2.831 Descargas

ame 1.0.1

Ame Ame provides a simple command-line interface API for Ruby¹. It can be used to...

13.312 Descargas

ameblogazo 0.0.2

get ameba blog images

9.650 Descargas

amee 4.4.0

Ruby interface to the AMEE carbon calculator

192.505 Descargas

amee-analytics 2.1.2

Part of the AMEE AppKit, this gem provides the ability to do mathmatical operations ove...

33.552 Descargas

amee-data-abstraction 2.3.1

Part of the AMEEappkit this gem provides a data abstraction layer, decreasing the amoun...

60.981 Descargas

amee-data-persistence 2.3.0

Part of the AMEEappkit, this gem provides storage and retrival of data provided by the ...

52.316 Descargas

amee_rails_layer 0.6.2

An abstraction layer for building applications around the AMEE API

40.917 Descargas

amelia 1.0.0

Description of amelia.

4.049 Descargas

amember_pro 0.2.1

aMember Pro Web API REST client

18.256 Descargas

amenable 0.1.0

Flexibility when you need it.

5.826 Descargas

amend 0.0.1.pre

Basic ODM wrapper for Rethinkdb

2.516 Descargas

amendia_remote 0.0.3

This gem helps use api from

11.325 Descargas

america 0.0.2

Convert between state names and abbreviations.

7.114 Descargas

american_date 1.3.0

American style month/day/year date parsing for ruby 1.9+

11.374.140 Descargas

american_date_parsing 0.0.2

American date parsing for ActiveRecord and ActiveModel

7.528 Descargas

americommerce-api 0.0.9

Enables Ruby applications to communicate with the Ebay Trading API.

32.451 Descargas

amerine-btexty 0.1.2

super simple ruby interface for the btexty api

10.727 Descargas

amer_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails application

2.845 Descargas

ames_by_type 0.2.0

This gem extends the functionality of Rails' ActiveModel::Errors w...

8.022 Descargas

amethyst 0.0.0

A placeholder until I come up with a better use for the namespace.

4.036 Descargas

amex 0.4.1

A library for accessing data on an American Express account

25.932 Descargas

amex2xero 0.1.1

Converts a statement CSV exported from American Express to a bank statement CSV suitabl...

4.631 Descargas

amex_csv_to_ledger 0.1.1

Command line utility to convert AMEX CSV to Ledger.

1.469 Descargas

amex_enhanced_authorization 0.4.0

Unofficial Ruby wrapper for American Express Enhanced Authorization.

16.760 Descargas

amex_tokenization_client 0.3.0

Unofficial Ruby wrapper for the American Express Tokenization Service (AETS).

11.913 Descargas

amf 0.0.1

Ruby gem that allows for the interaction of AMF formatted items, and Flash LSOs.

5.436 Descargas

amfetamine 0.4.2

Provides an interface to REST apis with objects and a cache. Zero effort!

79.006 Descargas

amfora 0.0.2

RESTful Rack Middleware that provides AMF0/AMF3 support to Rails and Rack applications

11.434 Descargas

amfranz-ci_reporter 1.6.2

CI::Reporter is an add-on to Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber that allows you to generate...

6.267 Descargas