RubyGems Navigation menu


ajmalafif-suspenders 1.18.2

Suspenders is a base Rails project that you can upgrade. It is used by thoughtbot to ge...

10.563 Descargas

ajmd_test_gem 0.1.1

A gem to run Hartl's TDD examples

1.522 Descargas

ajmorris-sunlight 0.1.1

Library for accessing the Sunlight Labs API.

4.318 Descargas

ajmurmann_right_aws 2.1.1

== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...

6.114 Descargas

ajmurmann_right_http_connection 1.3.0

Rightscale::HttpConnection is a robust HTTP/S library. It implements a retry algorithm...

6.221 Descargas

ajp-rails 0.1.0

Ruby on Rails Runner, which uses AJP(Apache JServ Protocol) to cooperate with a HTTPd, ...

35.648 Descargas

ajsharp-sinatra-respond_to 0.8.0

A respond_to style Rails block for baked-in web service support in Sinatra

11.202 Descargas

aj_view_tool 0.1.0

Provided generated HTML data for Rails applications.

2.615 Descargas

ak 0.0.1

Lightweight library for "hot code" reloading

2.726 Descargas

ak2196-forem 0.0.2


10.793 Descargas

ak47 0.2.5

Reload anything.

35.018 Descargas

ak4r 0.2.3

Middleware for adding api keys validation to API

3.944 Descargas

aka 0.6.0

Manage your aliases with style

22.195 Descargas

aka2 0.1.10

A delightful way to manage and grow your aliases in your daily project.

36.593 Descargas

aka_angka 1.0.1

AkaAngka / aka_angka / ArieKeren Angka adalah Library Ruby Angka untuk format Indonesia...

11.847 Descargas

akabei 0.5.1

Custom repository manager for ArchLinux pacman

42.324 Descargas

akaer 2.4.1

A small utility to add aliases to network interfaces.

92.992 Descargas

akagi 0.0.1

Simple Midway game-server client library

5.207 Descargas

akai 0.0.3

This is red color

5.063 Descargas

akainaa 0.1.7

Minimum rack middleware for coverage

1.437 Descargas

akakor-indexer 0.0.5

Indexer for Akakor

19.160 Descargas

akamai 0.2

Simple library for interacting with Akamai NetStorage and EdgeSuite caches

33.497 Descargas

akamai_api 1.2.0

Ruby toolkit to work with Akamai Content Control Utility API

386.918 Descargas

akamai-api-cps 0.4.0

A ruby library which wraps the Akamai CPS API.

4.899 Descargas

akamai-authtoken 0.4.1

Akamai-AuthToken is Akamai Authorization Token for Ruby 2.0+

5.134 Descargas

akamai_bookmarklet 0.1.2

Quick and dirty sinatra app to enable bookmarklet purging of akamai repos

17.449 Descargas

akamai_ccu 1.6.0

Minimal wrapper around Akamai CCU V3 APIs

70.359 Descargas

akamai-client 0.0.5

Akamai basic client for several services, mainly papi.

10.633 Descargas

akamai_cloudlet_manager 0.0.3

Akamai Cloudlet Manager manages all the cloudlet api.

6.914 Descargas

akamai-core-client 0.0.6

Akamai client. This library provides fundamental function for calling akamai api.

10.889 Descargas