xcodeproj 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 xcodeproj
XCBuildFaster 0.0.3
Tweaks your Xcode workspace to make it compile faster.
8,733 下载
grunit 1.0.6
Utilities for GRUnit.
8,416 下载
objctify 0.4.0
A gem which helps you literally use Java on iOS. It is a wrapper of J2ObjC tool by Goog...
8,214 下载
pandora-frameworks 0.1.3
Tool for automating frameworks creation & integration
8,143 下载
tuya-ci-core 0.2.2
tuya cli core
8,127 下载
xcode-pristine 0.1.4
When using xcconfig files to manage Xcode project build settings, you want to make sure...
7,857 下载
cocoapods-spm 0.1.14
CocoaPods plugin to add SPM dependencies to CocoaPods targets
7,780 下载
defgen 0.0.2
Build an NSUserDefaults category using a simple DSL
7,711 下载
fastlane-plugin-itargetchecker 0.4.0
Checks the xcode proj file for targets and points out which files from the project are ...
7,476 下载
cocoapods-mars 0.0.20
A short description of cocoapods-mars.
7,415 下载
cocoapods-prefer 1.0.1
cocoapods plugin work with source urls.
7,410 下载
generamba-mp 1.4.1
Generamba is a powerful and easy-to-use Xcode code generator. It provides a project-bas...
7,220 下载
toxic 0.2.1
create xcode project from template
6,625 下载
xcpfix 0.0.2
Executable to restructure .xcodeproj directory structures to match the .pbxproj tree.
6,479 下载
fastlane-plugin-remove_setting 0.1
Fastlane plugin to remove settings from an iOS settings bundle
6,475 下载
xcflatter 1.0.1
Flatter is a gem which move all files with specific extension in Xcode project to root ...
6,275 下载
dynamictostatic 0.1.2
This ruby gem converts iOS Dynamic Frameworks to Static Frameworks.
6,254 下载
vipera 1.0.4
Viper Module Generator
5,898 下载
emerge 0.7.6
The official CLI for Emerge Tools
5,774 下载
xcodeprojfiler 0.4.0
Xcodeprojfiler is a CLI tooL which can help iOS developer to get the info of files whic...
5,738 下载
crtrunner 0.1.2
Auto import frameworks into a project
5,557 下载
fastlane-plugin-retry_failed_tests 1.0.2
Retries failed iOS tests
5,496 下载
rubygems-xcodeproj_generator 0.2.0
Provides a Rake task for generating an Xcode project for C extension development.
5,347 下载
fastlane_hotfix 2.187.0
The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
5,312 下载
xcmake 0.1.2
Xcode resource genetator for command line.
5,265 下载
jump-starter 1.1.18
5,214 下载
xcodeproj-sort 1.0.2
Xcodeproj-sort provides a simple script to sort the objects in your .xcodeproj file. Th...
5,176 下载
danger-xcodeproj 0.0.3
A Danger pulgin for xcodeproj ruby gem.
4,745 下载
YKModuleCommand 0.0.5
Creates iOS Module Files.
4,731 下载
gsdkcp-tool 0.1.13
CLI tool for GSDK integration.
4,675 下载