xcodeproj 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 xcodeproj
header_reader lets your read Xcode header map file. header-writer lets your analyze the...
14,295 下载
pandan 0.0.3
CLI tool that outputs dependency information from a set of Xcode projects with targets ...
14,205 下载
xcoed 1.0.1
Automate adding Swift PM packages to an Xcode project using a regular `Package.swift` f...
14,193 下载
xcadaptor 0.0.6
adapt xcode project because of system update.
13,957 下载
rswift 0.1.4
RSwift allows to create and develop iOS, OSX, tvOS and watchOS projects using CLI.
13,647 下载
pebblex 0.0.7
Creates an Xcode project from a pebble project that contains the needed search paths, r...
13,591 下载
api_gen_helper 0.1.5
Very cool generator
13,549 下载
yptools 1.1.7
Some useful tools make me happy
13,449 下载
motion-objc 0.2.1
Simply include Objective-C files in your RubyMotion projects
13,437 下载
enoki 0.3.0
Code generator for Xcode project. You can manage multiple user-defined file template se...
13,017 下载
fastlane_iac_publish 0.1.5
The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
12,571 下载
omt-cli 1.7.1
fir command tool, support iOS and Android
11,945 下载
zabel 1.0.6
Zabel, is a build cacher for Xcode, using Xcodeproj and MD5, to detect and cache produc...
11,880 下载
rz_shoutout 0.0.7
Hierarchical attributions in your iOS app's Settings bundle of the CocoaPods used
11,212 下载
xcode-utils 1.0.6
Xcode utils provides uitest and carthage proxy
11,177 下载
akcache 2.0.1
a cache tool that can reduce xcode archive time
10,734 下载
jsoncop 0.4.1
A light-weight JSON to model method generator.
10,422 下载
guard-xctool-test 0.1.2
Xctool test guard allows you to automically & intelligently aunch specs when files are ...
10,398 下载
smartling_xcode 0.1.6
Smartling utility to extract strings from an Xcode project and add them to a Smartling ...
10,091 下载
swoop_report 0.3.1
Swift and Objective-C comparison reporter
9,947 下载
yjncopycat 0.2.1
Clones an Xcode project and renames it.
9,781 下载
danger-localizationlinter 0.0.5
This is a danger plugin checking the consistency of localizable folders in a xcode project
9,688 下载
viperaptor 2.2.2
New reincarnation of Rambler Generamba tool (original code got from Generamba)
9,426 下载
danger-spm_version_updates 0.2.0
A Danger plugin to detect if there are any updates to your Swift Package Manager depend...
9,420 下载
dean 0.0.3
An (opinionated) CLI tool to ease mundane tasks of the iOS beta distribution
9,389 下载
xfabricator 1.1.0
Generate file templates and add them to XCode project...
9,375 下载
spinjector 1.1.0
Inject script phases into your Xcode project
9,363 下载
umbrellalinter 0.3.0
This ruby gem allows iOS/watchOS/tvOS Framework developers to lint and fix their umbrel...
9,357 下载
csa 1.0.0
a command line tool helps you create a swift app from a template
9,212 下载
djutils 0.1.4
dongjia utils.
8,901 下载