Dépendances inversées pour watir Latest version of the following gems require watir
watizzle 0.1.0
Sizzle.js locator engine for Watir
2 647 Téléchargements
ferris_watir 0.1.0
An un-opinionated testing framework built on top of WATIR which provides massive power ...
2 626 Téléchargements
test_performance 1.0.0
Generate performance metrics from watir-based automation.
2 578 Téléchargements
snes_finder_cli_app 0.1.0
CLI app that checks major electronics retailers to see if SNES Classic is in stock or a...
2 382 Téléchargements
watir-for-crawler 0.1.0
Simple Gem Using Watir For Phantom Crawler
2 319 Téléchargements
browser_scroll 0.5.0
Provides API Around JavaScript Scrolling Functionality
2 288 Téléchargements
tap_watir 0.1.0
Tap Watir facilitates the writing of automated tests for your mobile applications.
2 188 Téléchargements
print-scorm 1.0.0
Exports SCORM packages to PDF
2 077 Téléchargements
rails_spider 0.1.0
Description of RailsSpider.
2 051 Téléchargements
centric_page_object 2.3.1
Page Object DSL that works with both Watir and Selenium
1 885 Téléchargements
buergerbot 0.2.0
Find appointments at the Bürgeramt in Berlin
1 707 Téléchargements
code_online 0.1.0
A simple and automated bot over interface of GS1' codeonline website.
645 Téléchargements
druid-s 1.0.0
Druid DSL that works with Watir
426 Téléchargements
ut-mnemosyne 1.0.0
Mnemosyne - a console command for brute-forcing through random domains (considering the...
402 Téléchargements
registerbekanntmachungen 0.2.0
A simple/polite webscraper for the German Handelsregister Registerbekanntmachungen usin...
361 Téléchargements