RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour watir Latest version of the following gems require watir

cucumber_steps 0.0.6

collection of often used cucumber steps to avoid the violation of DRY principle

17 119 Téléchargements


This gem provides a set of modules and methods to help quickly and DRYly create a test ...

16 592 Téléchargements

fetch_news 0.0.8

A simple spider gem

16 227 Téléchargements

bookingscrapper 2.0.3

Scraps the hotel data from booking

15 966 Téléchargements

pointmd_comments 0.2.1

This gem lets you aggregate comments from website into a csv file.

14 822 Téléchargements

opengraph_transporter 0.0.5

A Ruby library for exporting Facebook Open Graph Translations between Developer Applica...

14 314 Téléchargements

tapestry 0.7.0

Weaving a semantic DSL to construct fluent interfaces for test execution logic.

13 170 Téléchargements

watir_session 0.2.3

This gem leverages the Watir test library to allow for easy access to configurarion and...

12 716 Téléchargements

monese_csv_downloader 0.1.6

Uses chrome-webdriver to download account statements from the Monese web interface

12 181 Téléchargements

watir-customize_elements 0.0.6

Automatically instantiates custom HTML tag names into watir-webdriver and\or page-objec...

11 524 Téléchargements

wsl 0.1.6

WSL (WATiR Scripting Language) is a DSL built on top of WATiR that allows for the autom...

11 516 Téléchargements

power_school 0.0.4

Interact with PowerSchool

11 375 Téléchargements

video_grabber 1.9

VideoGrabber crawl headlessly websites to extract their videos

11 235 Téléchargements

girbot 0.2.3

Girbot wants to help you automate boring tasks. You define steps which can be run in di...

10 750 Téléchargements

kaspay 0.1.2

A gem to access KasPay web using watir gem and X virtual framebuffer wrapped by headles...

10 298 Téléchargements

owrb 0.0.4

Web scripts.

10 211 Téléchargements

targetmy 0.1.3

9 493 Téléchargements

cloud_door 0.0.3

This gem can access different cloud storage through same interface. This gem supports D...

9 423 Téléchargements

marekj-watirloo 0.0.5

Custom Extensions for Watir, Firewatir. Acceptance Test Helper based on semantic page o...

9 309 Téléchargements

slack_status_tracker 0.1.0.pre.4

Command line tool to get the status of current users

8 746 Téléchargements

instaman 0.1.5

The Instaman gem interacts with the latest posts on the Instagram according to hashtags...

8 737 Téléchargements

cic-tools 0.0.1

cic tools

8 597 Téléchargements

watirloo 0.0.8

Helps you write tests in the language of the customer's domain

8 419 Téléchargements

instascrap 0.0.8

instascrap gem allows to download image and videos

7 834 Téléchargements

edsl 0.4.0

This gem serves as a base for implementing the page object pattern.

7 802 Téléchargements

ebaytool 0.0.2

Full description here

7 394 Téléchargements

ydim-html 1.0.3

ywesee distributed invoice manager. A Ruby gem

7 351 Téléchargements

restaurantscrapper 0.0.3

Scraps the restaurant data from tripadvisor

7 170 Téléchargements

menthol 0.2.0

Thai bank accounts balance scraper

7 128 Téléchargements

bcaparser 0.1.2

Gem ini berfungsi untuk automatisasi dalam mengambil informasi saldo dan mutasi rekenin...

6 898 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 33 108 771

Pour cette version 4 125 597

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 3.0.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
