Dépendances inversées pour watir Latest version of the following gems require watir
sumo-check-sumo 0.0.31
Sumo Sensu gem for testing our front end website
48 581 Téléchargements
uptime_monitor 0.7.10
A Ragios plugin that uses a real web browser to monitor transactions on a website for a...
48 403 Téléchargements
saber 1.2.4
A complete solution for PT users.
46 270 Téléchargements
watir-performance 0.9.4
This gem collects and summarises metrics speficied in the W3C Navigation web performanc...
41 688 Téléchargements
watir_pump 0.4.8
Page Object pattern for Watir. Hacker friendly and enterprise ready.
40 243 Téléchargements
te3270 0.9.0
Automates a 3270 Terminal Emulator
39 690 Téléchargements
test_utils 0.2.9
Test automation utils
34 602 Téléchargements
druid-ts 1.2.6
Druid DSL that works with Watir
34 268 Téléchargements
RDee 0.9
Dynamically create a connection for Selenium or Watir selecting the browser, version, a...
33 945 Téléchargements
henry-dummy 0.0.17
Henry library to recreate testing scenarios.
32 820 Téléchargements
arachnid2 0.4.0
A simple, fast web crawler
31 348 Téléchargements
r2-oas 0.5.0
== Let's intuitively write API documentation with Swagger Editor in your Rails Project!...
30 972 Téléchargements
marta 0.41245
Element location tool for your watir autotests.
30 381 Téléchargements
gared 0.1.2
A set of scrapers for bibliographic records of Hebrew titles
28 966 Téléchargements
insite 0.2.6
Page object library with an emphasis on simplified navigation and reusable code. It has...
28 796 Téléchargements
testnow 0.1.3
A gem to configure your WebDriver-Ruby automation framework. Write your tests, leave th...
27 257 Téléchargements
lineup 0.7.3
lineup takes to screenshots of your app and compares them to references in order to fin...
27 117 Téléchargements
watigiri 0.7.0
By default Watir locates elements with Selenium; this gem will replace Selenium calls w...
26 768 Téléchargements
getter_cyndi5 2.0.3
A simple getter cyndi5 gem
25 358 Téléchargements
scrap_kit 0.1.16
Run JSON-based recipes to scrap web sites.
24 777 Téléchargements
spider_rails 4.0.4
24 651 Téléchargements
compare_supermarkets 0.4.2
Will search Woolworths and Coles online stores for prices based on an input search para...
23 941 Téléchargements
generic_test 0.3.1
Easy way to run generic tests for a website/api.
23 067 Téléchargements
watir-formhandler 2.7.0
Adds some convenience methods to fill out forms in Watir.
22 549 Téléchargements
ffmpeg-screenrecorder 1.0.0
Record your computer screen - desktop or specific application/window - using FFmpeg. NO...
22 071 Téléchargements
transportscrapper 1.1.0
Scraps the transport data from nationalbuseireann
21 495 Téléchargements
testable 1.0.0
Provides a semantic DSL to construct fluent interfaces for test execution logic.
20 348 Téléchargements
browsenator 1.6.1
Easily start different browsers in desktop and mobile devices
19 947 Téléchargements
watir_helper 1.0.3
This gem is developed for novice automation tester's to write automation scripts ...
17 482 Téléchargements
leap_salesforce_ui 0.3.0
This gem helps ones to perform integration tests on Salesforce. It reads the Metadata f...
17 406 Téléchargements