unicorn 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 unicorn
ricodigo-capistrano-recipes 0.1.8
our capistrano recipes. forked from capistrano-recipes
31,992 下載
mr-sparkle 0.3.0
This gem contains a script to start a Unicorn-based server for your Rack application th...
31,131 下載
hoof 0.0.7
Hoof is linux variant of pow. It's based on nss, eventmachine and unicorn
30,770 下載
unicorn-cuba-base 1.6.0
Web application base powered by Unicorn HTTP server and based on Cuba framework extende...
30,039 下載
embargo 0.4.1
Embargo framework!
29,766 下載
sepastian-capistrano3-unicorn 0.5.1
Capistrano 3.x plugin that integrates Unicorn server tasks.
28,802 下載
carrier 0.1.5
Raw github-like messaging system to reuse across Rails apps. Acts as Rails 3.1 mountabl...
28,510 下載
production_toolkit 0.3.2
Integrate production gems for high quality projects.
28,399 下載
cl-mina 0.3.8
Designed for use in a fairly specific context, so probably not that versatile.
28,152 下載
capistrano-unicorn-methods 0.0.6
Contains a unicorn namespace with methods for starting stopping and maintaining the uni...
27,296 下載
cuba-bin 0.3.0
bin for cuba
26,445 下載
unicorn-wrangler 0.0.8
Wrangles unicorns
26,054 下載
simple-capistrano-unicorn 1.0.2
Contains a collection of simple tasks to manage Unicorn with Capistrano.
26,013 下載
This is app which provides a generator to create unicorn and nginx config files and som...
25,529 下載
focuslight 0.2.4
Lightning Fast Graphing/Visualization, built on RRDTool
23,223 下載
conjur-asset-proxy 0.5.3
Simple HTTP proxy which adds Conjur authentication headers
22,870 下載
catarse_full 0.1.0
Gem packaging of Catarse, a crowdfunding application.
21,404 下載
lazar-gui 1.4.2
Graphical User Interface for Lazar Toxicity Predictions
20,105 下載
inventory-server 0.1.0
Inventory server store and index data sent from the agent
19,593 下載
beerify 0.2.0
The rails engine which lets you the time to drink some beers!
18,141 下載
hell 0.2.1
Hell is an open source web interface that exposes a set of capistrano recipes as a json...
17,665 下載
silvermind_deployment 0.0.9
Simplified Deployment using Capistrano, Unicorn and Eye
17,599 下載
sinbad 0.0.4
A simple framework and set of helpers for sinatra projects
16,475 下載
hashbang 1.0.2
Hashbang is a tiny Rack proxy serving HTML dumps for your RICH web-applications accordi...
16,304 下載
locum-best-practices 0.4.5
Contains deploy configuration
15,935 下載
capistrano-unicorn-sic 0.4.2
Capistrano 3.x plugin that integrates Unicorn server tasks.
15,298 下載
fluentd-server 0.3.2
Fluentd config distribution server
15,147 下載
upstart-unicorn-launcher 0.0.5
Launch unicorn with upstart
14,986 下載
rdaux 0.1.4
RDaux creates beautiful documentation websites from markdown files. It is inspired by d...
14,362 下載
bigpipe-rails 0.1.1
Takes advantage of context switching and provides in Rails 3.1
13,948 下載