Dépendances inversées pour tzinfo-data Latest version of the following gems require tzinfo-data
has_friendship 1.1.8
Add social network friendship features to your Active Record models.
104 257 Téléchargements
fishplate 8.0.1
Fishplate is a library allowing running ActiveRecord without Railties.
103 685 Téléchargements
logstash-input-opensearch 1.0.0
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
101 371 Téléchargements
startback 1.1.0
Yet another ruby backend framework, I'm afraid
98 860 Téléchargements
nihaopay-ruby 0.2.2
Ruby library for Nihaopay payment gateway API
95 436 Téléchargements
counter_cache_update 0.0.7
Scans all your models and updates all counter caches with optimised SQL.
78 829 Téléchargements
peak_flow_utils 0.1.19
Utilities to be used with PeakFlow.
67 464 Téléchargements
lazylead 0.13.0
Ticketing systems (Github, Jira, etc.) are strongly integrated into our processes and e...
60 938 Téléchargements
active_record_better_dependent_error_messages 0.0.3
A gem that makes better dependent error messages telling exactly which relationship tre...
59 224 Téléchargements
g5_prom_rails 0.3.3
Rails-friendly prometheus base
56 524 Téléchargements
safrano 0.8.4
Safrano is an OData server library
55 649 Téléchargements
azeroth 1.1.0
52 672 Téléchargements
cielo24 0.0.17
This gem allows you to interact with the cielo24 public REST API.
48 998 Téléchargements
slacky 0.3.5
Carbon Five Slack bot gem
44 669 Téléchargements
globalize_current_translation 0.0.2
A gem that helps create a `current_translation` relationship which is the translation i...
43 012 Téléchargements
activerecord-userstamp 3.0.4
This gem extends ActiveRecord::Base to add automatic updating of created_by and updated...
42 948 Téléchargements
teasy 0.2.8
Teasy builds on tzinfo to get time zone data and provides tim...
36 188 Téléchargements
voom-presenters 2.1.2
Presenters Gem.
34 603 Téléchargements
resque_admin-scheduler 1.3.0
Light weight job scheduling on top of ResqueAdmin. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_...
31 829 Téléchargements
sortable-table 0.1.1
Sort HTML table columns in Rails 4 applications.
30 885 Téléchargements
vagrant-guests-clearlinux 1.2.4
Enables Vagrant to manage Clear Linux guests.
30 663 Téléchargements
add_to_calendar_links 0.4.8
Generate 'Add To Calendar' URLs for Android, Apple, Google, Office 365, Outlook, Outloo...
30 218 Téléchargements
zenaton 0.6.0
Zenaton ruby library
29 678 Téléchargements
rmuh 0.3.1
ArmA 2 Ruby Library for RPT, Log, and GameSpy
28 318 Téléchargements
openc3 6.2.1
OpenC3 provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and receive data f...
26 970 Téléchargements
mhc 1.2.7
Message Harmonized Calendaring.
26 899 Téléchargements
qat-core 9.0.0
QAT-Core is QAT's engine, including a collection of modules for: - Configuration ma...
25 326 Téléchargements
magicka 1.1.0
Gem for easy form templating
25 083 Téléchargements
phi_attrs 0.3.2
PHI Access Restriction & Logging for Rails ActiveRecord
23 411 Téléchargements
sportweb 0.3.3
sportweb - instant open sports web admin browser command line tool
23 191 Téléchargements