tty-screen 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 tty-screen
gl 0.4.1
Uses the GitLab API based on the git project your are currently in
13,943 下載
ruby-edit 1.0.2
Edit grep results in one file
13,214 下載
fastlane_iac_publish 0.1.5
The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
12,596 下載
aia 0.5.18
A command-line AI Assistante (aia) that provides pre-compositional template prompt mana...
12,180 下載
kuberun 0.5.0
CLI to run pods based on deployments
12,089 下載
tiramisu 0.0.4
Super-simple testing library for Ruby
12,089 下載
nextgen 0.33.0
Nextgen is an interactive and flexible alternative to `rails new` that includes opt-in ...
11,259 下載
kamaze-project 1.1.0
A bunch of (rake) tasks to automatize development workflows.
10,415 下載
jura 0.0.8
A simple Jira CLI by Ruby
10,362 下載
rb1drv-tools 0.1.5
Ruby OneDrive Library Tools
9,950 下載
eskimo-ascii 3.0.0
Format text for humans using a declarative, extensible API.
8,739 下載
githuh 0.3.0
Generate repository list, show user info and more.
8,350 下載
monadic-chat 0.4.6
Monadic Chat is a command-line client application program that uses OpenAI's Text Compl...
8,124 下載
coinpare 0.3.0
Compare cryptocurrency trading data across multiple exchanges and blockchains.
7,759 下載
ucisc 0.1.4
Micro instruction set vm & compiler for hobbyist computing
7,539 下載
pick 0.1.2
Pick is a command line tool to interactively select from multiple options. It accep...
7,465 下載
plotty 0.5.0
Draw graphs from data gathered by executing commands
6,925 下載
terminal-file-picker 0.0.5
This gem shows an interactive terminal file picker to user, allowing them to browse the...
6,633 下載
task-tree 0.1.3
Task Tree is a CLI tool that helps you keep track of your tasks in a tree structure
6,600 下載
world_in_your_terminal 0.0.4
Explore tiny worlds in yor terminal
6,256 下載
petli 0.0.4
A virtual pet that will live in your command line!
5,998 下載
tokyo 0.0.6
Super-simple testing library for Ruby
5,492 下載
fastlane_hotfix 2.187.0
The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
5,323 下載
make_menu 2.1.2
Generates an interactive menu from a Makefile
5,286 下載
sidekiqtui 0.1.2
Better Sidekiq CLI
4,887 下載
sidekiq_tty 0.1.2
Better Sidekiq CLI
4,844 下載
gitlab-to-doap 0.2.0
Given a gitlab personal token (
4,526 下載
cruncher 0.1.1
Cruncher looks at your website and spits out the cookies used.
3,848 下載
A set of methods for processing keyboard input in character, line and multiline modes. ...
3,792 下載
npm_3pp_lister 1.0.0
Generates a list of dependencies in package.json, with name, version and a link to the ...
3,751 下載