travis 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 travis
sockit 1.2.3
Seamlessly route all TCP traffic for you application through a SOCKS v4 or v5 server wi...
37,384 下載
binda 0.1.11
A modular CMS for Ruby on Rails 5 with an intuitive out-of-the-box interface to manage ...
36,666 下載
see 0.0.19
Project status for programmers
35,786 下載
flight-router 0.1.19
generate routes.json by routes DSL
34,664 下載
uuidable 1.0.2
Helps using uuid everywhere in routes instead of id for ActiveRecord models.
32,928 下載
cid 0.3.2
Tools to allow continuous integration when collaborating on data in Github
30,531 下載
dotloop 0.1.12
Ruby library for Dotloop API.
29,850 下載
labelizer 1.0.0
add labels to enum. label, color, or description, etc.
29,000 下載
authify-api 0.5.0
Authify API Server library
28,559 下載
production_toolkit 0.3.2
Integrate production gems for high quality projects.
28,396 下載
cratus 0.5.3
The Ruby tool for auditing and reporting on user permissions based on groups
27,194 下載
rbld 1.3.8
Zero-dependency, reproducible build environments
25,974 下載
cartocss_helper 5.3.0
Tool to make development of CartoCSS styles more efficient. Automates actions necessary...
25,433 下載
heroploy 0.0.6
Helpful rake tasks to manage deploying to development, staging and production Heroku se...
24,039 下載
dotloop-ruby 0.1.8
dotloop-ruby is Ruby library for Dotloop API v2.
24,009 下載
net_status 0.2.0
Net status return codes.
23,998 下載
goodwill 0.4.6
Allows you to perform basic auction management, bidding, and searching from ruby.
23,769 下載
inteltech_sms 1.1.2
Ruby gem that provides an InteltechSms class to check credit and send SMS text messages...
23,497 下載
dependent_restrict 0.2.4
This gem is not needed in Rails 3 as dependent => :raise is included in 3.0.
22,410 下載
fuci-travis 0.4.1
FUCK YOU CI: For Travis! :).
22,221 下載
lita-openvpnas 0.2.6
Some basic OpenVPN Access Server interactions for Lita
21,685 下載
middleman-vcs-time 0.0.6
Use version control to determine last-modified times of Middleman resources.
21,620 下載
buildizer 0.1.1
Packaging tool.
21,428 下載
vscripts 0.1.5
VScripts is a command line utility that performs a series of tasks used on's...
18,764 下載
authz 0.0.5
An opinionated almost-turnkey solution for managing authorization in Rails
18,402 下載
pansophy_authenticator 0.5.0
By configuring a set of applications authentication keys in a filestored in an S3 bucke...
18,336 下載
authify-core 0.2.2
Authify Core library
18,331 下載
stub_requests 0.1.11
An abstraction on top of WebMock to build stubbed HTTP requests
18,208 下載
spec_tiller 1.2.1
This gem will parse the output of calling "rspec --perform", then will redistribute ...
17,861 下載
travis-cli-gh 0.1.0
Adds commands to interact with the GitHub API
17,252 下載