Dependencias inversas para travis La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren travis
img_cloud 0.2.1
ruby gem for img cloud, upload/transform images
7.765 Descargas
xn_gem_release_tasks 0.1.32
Develop on .pre branches, only allow releases from non-.pre clean, up-to-date master. D...
7.551 Descargas
jackchop 0.2.0
Rally's gem for cookbook development
7.470 Descargas
multi_repo 0.6.0
MultiRepo is a library for managing multiple repositiories and running scripts against ...
7.469 Descargas
flagist 0.3.0
like enum, my flag addon
6.804 Descargas
lolcommits-mpv 0.5.3
Takes a snapshot with your webcam every time you git commit code, and archives a lolcat...
6.764 Descargas
howami 0.0.2
CLI tool to show a summary of Fitbit health statistics.
6.741 Descargas
factor-connector-travis 0.0.2
Travis-CI Connector
6.382 Descargas
canvas-workflow 0.8.0
A suite of tools for a markdown based workflow for a Canvas LMS site.
6.345 Descargas
gitv 0.0.3
Yet another gem for versioning based on git tags
6.223 Descargas
chibineko-rspec 0.1.1
Chibineko result into RSpec
6.044 Descargas
lita-sensu2 0.3.2
Lita plugin to interact with sensu
5.989 Descargas
white_hare 0.2.2
WhiteHare is a library for business date usage like the closing date.
5.904 Descargas
mass 0.0.2
Synth framework for Ruby. Build a cool synth!
5.826 Descargas
travis-blink1 0.0.2
travis-blink1 is a simple sign by blink(1). When you specify a repository travis-blink1...
5.592 Descargas
freezer_burn 0.1.0
rough management of compressed gems
5.587 Descargas
number_crusher 0.1.2
Statistical methods and functions for Ruby. A minor (and improving) collection of every...
5.494 Descargas
isbndb-ruby 0.1.3
Library for communicating with the's v2 API
5.427 Descargas
snapgit 0.6.5
The most powerful way to share your commits
5.372 Descargas
animal 0.2.2
Animal Puppet External Node Classifier
5.317 Descargas
marketo_chef 1.1.0
Marketo API client for our common uses and error handling
5.178 Descargas
superhosting 0.0.2
The tool for web hosting using docker containers.
4.881 Descargas
shellfold 0.0.3
Run shell commands and fold output gently.
4.816 Descargas
gyazo_spector 0.1.1
GyazoSpector capture full or part of a web page, upload to another server.
4.564 Descargas
telegram-auth 0.0.4
Gem to verify the auth hash for a telegram domain login
4.558 Descargas
knuverse-knufactor 0.0.2
KnuVerse Knufactor Ruby SDK
4.528 Descargas
lita-who_has 0.3.0
A more generic lita-envy for who owns things via lita
4.353 Descargas
gem-bootstrap 0.1.4
CLI for bootstrapping new Ruby gem projects.
3.879 Descargas
liltest 0.0.1
A small test-framework with Rspec-like syntax
3.879 Descargas
ucb_rails_ci 1.0.1
Tools for enabling Rails apps to be built on Travis and deployed from GitHub
3.534 Descargas