Dépendances inversées pour sqlite3 Latest version of the following gems require sqlite3
griddler 1.6.0
Simplify receiving email in Rails
5 021 096 Téléchargements
ajax-datatables-rails 1.5.0
A wrapper around datatable's ajax methods that allow synchronization with server-side p...
5 006 848 Téléchargements
apartment 2.2.1
Apartment allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord
5 006 548 Téléchargements
statesman 12.1.0
A statesman-like state machine library
4 980 779 Téléchargements
sqlite3-ruby 1.3.3
This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine (http://...
4 740 654 Téléchargements
ar_after_transaction 0.13.0
Execute irreversible actions only when transactions are not rolled back
4 621 475 Téléchargements
active_interaction 5.5.0
ActiveInteraction manages application-specific business logic. It is an implementation ...
4 581 461 Téléchargements
globalize-accessors 0.3.0
Define methods for accessing translated attributes
4 112 609 Téléchargements
temping 4.3.0
Create temporary table-backed ActiveRecord models for use in tests
3 926 355 Téléchargements
ziptz 5.1.2
Get timezone info for all 5-digit US zip codes
3 739 663 Téléchargements
combustion 1.5.0
Test your Rails Engines without needing a full Rails app
3 734 366 Téléchargements
pluck_to_hash 1.0.2
Extend ActiveRecord pluck to return hash instead of an array. Useful when plucking mult...
3 730 415 Téléchargements
strongbox 0.7.3
Strongbox provides Public Key Encryption for ActiveRecord. By using a public key se...
3 681 015 Téléchargements
prosopite 2.1.0
N+1 auto-detection for Rails with zero false positives / false negatives
3 640 052 Téléchargements
delayed_paperclip 3.0.1
Process your Paperclip attachments in the background with ActiveJob
3 639 431 Téléchargements
squeel 1.2.3
Squeel unlocks the power of Arel in your Rails application with a handy block-bas...
3 503 402 Téléchargements
validates_overlap 1.0.0
It can be useful when you you are developing some app where you will work with meetings...
3 308 599 Téléchargements
axlsx_styler 1.2.0
Build clean and maintainable styles for your axlsx spreadsheets. Build your spreadsheee...
3 251 001 Téléchargements
phashion 1.2.0
Simple wrapper around the pHash library
3 130 713 Téléchargements
jazzy 0.15.3
Soulful docs for Swift & Objective-C. Run in your SPM or Xcode project's root directory...
3 127 159 Téléchargements
jsonapi.rb 2.1.1
JSON:API serialization, error handling, filtering and pagination.
3 117 650 Téléchargements
order_as_specified 1.7
Obtain ActiveRecord results with a custom ordering with no need to store anything in th...
3 116 538 Téléchargements
jsonapi-rails 0.4.1
Efficient, convenient, non-intrusive JSONAPI framework for Rails.
2 974 457 Téléchargements
librato-rails 2.1.0
Report key app statistics to the Librato Metrics service and easily track your own cust...
2 881 697 Téléchargements
ledermann-rails-settings 2.6.2
Settings gem for Ruby on Rails
2 847 196 Téléchargements
yaml_db 0.7.0
YamlDb is a database-independent format for dumping and restoring data. It complements...
2 802 304 Téléchargements
codemirror-rails 5.16.0
This gem provides CodeMirror assets for your Rails application.
2 758 630 Téléchargements
erd 0.8.2
erd engine on Rails
2 751 318 Téléchargements
migration_data 0.6.0
Sometimes we have to write some Rails code in the migrations and it's hard to ...
2 748 466 Téléchargements
enumerate_it 4.0.0
Enumerations for Ruby with some magic powers!
2 724 209 Téléchargements