sorbet 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sorbet
optify-config 0.8.0
Simplifies getting the right configuration options for a process using pre-loaded confi...
6,824 下載
optify-config 0.8.0
Simplifies getting the right configuration options for a process using pre-loaded confi...
6,824 下載
optify-config 0.8.0
Simplifies getting the right configuration options for a process using pre-loaded confi...
6,824 下載
ipt 2.1.0
Interactive Pivotal Tracker Command Line Interface
6,636 下載
radical 1.2.0
This gem helps you write rails-like web applications
6,258 下載
etwin 0.3.2
Ruby client for the Eternal-Twin API. Defines Etwin domain types and HTTP client.
6,075 下載
paperback 0.0.5
Paperback is a library for creating printable paper backups of small amounts of sen...
5,779 下載
sorbet-cfg 0.1.2
Powerful semantic analysis using Sorbet's CFGs
5,530 下載
mayak 0.1.0
Set of fully typed utility classes and interfaces integrated with Sorbet.
5,007 下載
ledger_tiller_export 0.1.2
Generate ledger transactions from Tiller
4,977 下載
mdtoc 0.1.5
# mdtoc - Markdown Table of Contents Read Markdown files and output a table of content...
4,827 下載
non_empty_array 1.1.1
Inspired by Haskell's NonEmpty list
4,743 下載
api-generator 0.0.3
Generates API calls to Faraday using metaprogramming
4,537 下載
transparent_ruby_client 0.1.5
A ruby client for
3,393 下載
vigiles 0.1.5
vigiles stand at the gates of your walled city and records all the in/outflows.
3,350 下載
cloud-waba-ruby-client 0.0.10
A simple API wrapper for Cloud Whatsapp Business API
3,144 下載
yogurt 0.2.0
GraphQL client with Sorbet typing.
3,058 下載
plex_ruby_sdk 0.7.7
Ruby Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
2,666 下載
rubocop-modularization 0.0.6
Fill this out!
2,566 下載
camerata 0.0.1
A serializer for JSONAPI included with a host of decoupled tools for fast and flexible ...
2,509 下載
blackrug 0.1.0
Blackrug is this groundbreaking parser that allows you to sweep markdown under the rug ...
2,368 下載
bungie_sdk 0.1.2
Incomplete, WIP, unofficial Ruby SDK for the Bungie API.
2,111 下載
sorbet_auto_typer 0.1.0
This let's you automatically type up your codebase by instrumenting code, (e.g. using t...
2,091 下載
arbac_verifier 1.1.2
A way to solve simple ARBAC role reachability problems, given an .arbac definition file...
2,069 下載
avruby 0.5.1
An AVR emulator, in Ruby. This was written just for fun, to understand AVR.
1,876 下載
toy_adt 0.1.1
Toy implementation of ADTs in Ruby for the Ruby in FantasyLand series
1,837 下載
sprinkles-opts 0.1.0
A Sorbet-driven library for parsing command-line options
1,774 下載
tsumanne 0.0.3
This gem provide unofficial API of, an archiving site of
1,427 下載
coil 1.5.1
Transactional inbox/outbox, as a Rails engine.
1,271 下載
packages 0.0.1
Fill this out!
1,200 下載