RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour sorbet Latest version of the following gems require sorbet

optify-config 0.8.0

Simplifies getting the right configuration options for a process using pre-loaded confi...

6 824 Téléchargements

optify-config 0.8.0

Simplifies getting the right configuration options for a process using pre-loaded confi...

6 824 Téléchargements

optify-config 0.8.0

Simplifies getting the right configuration options for a process using pre-loaded confi...

6 824 Téléchargements

ipt 2.1.0

Interactive Pivotal Tracker Command Line Interface

6 636 Téléchargements

radical 1.2.0

This gem helps you write rails-like web applications

6 258 Téléchargements

etwin 0.3.2

Ruby client for the Eternal-Twin API. Defines Etwin domain types and HTTP client.

6 075 Téléchargements

paperback 0.0.5

Paperback is a library for creating printable paper backups of small amounts of sen...

5 779 Téléchargements

sorbet-cfg 0.1.2

Powerful semantic analysis using Sorbet's CFGs

5 530 Téléchargements

mayak 0.1.0

Set of fully typed utility classes and interfaces integrated with Sorbet.

5 007 Téléchargements

ledger_tiller_export 0.1.2

Generate ledger transactions from Tiller

4 977 Téléchargements

mdtoc 0.1.5

# mdtoc - Markdown Table of Contents Read Markdown files and output a table of content...

4 827 Téléchargements

non_empty_array 1.1.1

Inspired by Haskell's NonEmpty list

4 743 Téléchargements

api-generator 0.0.3

Generates API calls to Faraday using metaprogramming

4 537 Téléchargements

transparent_ruby_client 0.1.5

A ruby client for

3 393 Téléchargements

vigiles 0.1.5

vigiles stand at the gates of your walled city and records all the in/outflows.

3 350 Téléchargements

cloud-waba-ruby-client 0.0.10

A simple API wrapper for Cloud Whatsapp Business API

3 144 Téléchargements

yogurt 0.2.0

GraphQL client with Sorbet typing.

3 058 Téléchargements

plex_ruby_sdk 0.7.7

Ruby Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy

2 666 Téléchargements

rubocop-modularization 0.0.6

Fill this out!

2 566 Téléchargements

camerata 0.0.1

A serializer for JSONAPI included with a host of decoupled tools for fast and flexible ...

2 509 Téléchargements

blackrug 0.1.0

Blackrug is this groundbreaking parser that allows you to sweep markdown under the rug ...

2 368 Téléchargements

bungie_sdk 0.1.2

Incomplete, WIP, unofficial Ruby SDK for the Bungie API.

2 111 Téléchargements

sorbet_auto_typer 0.1.0

This let's you automatically type up your codebase by instrumenting code, (e.g. using t...

2 091 Téléchargements

arbac_verifier 1.1.2

A way to solve simple ARBAC role reachability problems, given an .arbac definition file...

2 069 Téléchargements

avruby 0.5.1

An AVR emulator, in Ruby. This was written just for fun, to understand AVR.

1 876 Téléchargements

toy_adt 0.1.1

Toy implementation of ADTs in Ruby for the Ruby in FantasyLand series

1 837 Téléchargements

sprinkles-opts 0.1.0

A Sorbet-driven library for parsing command-line options

1 774 Téléchargements

tsumanne 0.0.3

This gem provide unofficial API of, an archiving site of

1 427 Téléchargements

coil 1.5.1

Transactional inbox/outbox, as a Rails engine.

1 271 Téléchargements

packages 0.0.1

Fill this out!

1 200 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 35 882 757

Pour cette version 9 895

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7.0
