sequel 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sequel
vinbot 2.0.4
Vinbot generates decodeable vins and provides a vehicle object that includes real vehic...
491,805 下載
pact_broker 2.114.0
A server that stores and returns pact files generated by the pact gem. It enables head/...
478,140 下載
transactional_capybara 0.2.0
Support for DB transactions with Capybara
475,541 下載
graphql-cache 0.6.0
Provides middleware field-level caching for graphql-ruby
463,356 下載
sequel_polymorphic 0.5.0
A gem that provides Sequel::Models with polymorphic association capabilities
452,050 下載
tqdm 0.4.1
Enhances Enumerables to show progress while iterating. (Port of tqdm for Python.)
416,810 下載
praxis 2.0.0
Building APIs the way you want it.
403,131 下載
sequel-activerecord_connection 2.0.0
Allows Sequel to use ActiveRecord connection for database interaction.
399,938 下載
attr_vault 2.1.2
Encryption at rest made easy
354,131 下載
sequel_postgresql_triggers 1.6.0
Database enforced timestamps, immutable columns, counter/sum caches, and touch propogation
346,812 下載
carrierwave-sequel 0.1.1
Sequel support for CarrierWave
338,268 下載
sequel-inline_schema 0.3.4
This is a set of plugins for Sequel for declaring a model's table schema and any mi...
311,226 下載
sequel_secure_password 0.2.15
Plugin adds authentication methods to Sequel models using BCrypt library.
309,592 下載
pliny 1.2.0
Pliny is a set of base classes and helpers to help developers write excellent APIs in S...
303,824 下載
sequel-batches 2.0.3
Allows you to split your dataset in batches
298,304 下載
umbrellio-sequel-plugins 0.17.0
A colletion of sequel plugins by Umbrellio
296,620 下載
attr_encryptor 2.0.0
Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently
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sequel-devise 0.0.13
Devise support for Sequel models
287,576 下載
orm_adapter-sequel 0.1.0
Adds Sequel ORM adapter to the orm_adapter project
286,861 下載
perfectqueue 0.10.1
Highly available distributed cron built on RDBMS
286,700 下載
sequel_bitemporal 0.11.1
Bitemporal versioning for sequel, fully tested.
281,739 下載
oxidized 0.32.1
software to fetch configuration from network devices and store them
278,567 下載
tapsoob 0.5.24
Simple tool to import/export databases inspired by taps but OOB, meaning databases are ...
269,843 下載
tapsoob 0.5.24
Simple tool to import/export databases inspired by taps but OOB, meaning databases are ...
269,843 下載
stream_rails 3.1.0
A gem that provides a client interface for
266,527 下載
talentbox-delayed_job_sequel 4.3.0
Sequel backend for DelayedJob, originally authored by Tobias Luetke
261,653 下載
iev 0.3.5
Iev: Fetch and encode Iev term from Electropedia
256,132 下載
sequel-seed 1.1.2
A Sequel extension to make seeds/fixtures manageable like migrations
240,860 下載
bosh_warden_cpi 1.2831.0
237,745 下載
jekyll-import 0.25.0
Provides the Import command for Jekyll.
236,687 下載