Dépendances inversées pour sequel Latest version of the following gems require sequel
inferno_core 0.6.6
Inferno Core is an open source tool for testing data exchanges enabled by the FHIR stan...
75 668 Téléchargements
pupa 0.2.4
A data scraping framework
75 463 Téléchargements
scripper 0.1.1
@see summary
75 443 Téléchargements
autoforme 1.13.0
AutoForme is an web administrative console for Sequel::Model that supports Roda, Sinatr...
73 960 Téléchargements
tenacity 0.6.0
Tenacity provides a database client independent way of specifying simple relationships ...
73 658 Téléchargements
cartodb-importer 0.2.19
Import CSV, SHP, and other files with data into a PostgreSQL table
73 043 Téléchargements
data_store 0.2.2
DataStore is designed to store real time data but still manage the growth of your datas...
72 327 Téléchargements
chicagowarehouse 0.6.8
Simple Data Warehouse toolkit for ruby
72 212 Téléchargements
sakai-info 0.5.7
A command line tool and a suite of libraries for representing the objects and relations...
71 386 Téléchargements
datamappify 0.60.0
Compose, decouple and manage domain logic and data persistence separately. Works partic...
71 241 Téléchargements
sequel-redshift 0.0.1
Amazon Redshift adapter for Sequel
70 366 Téléchargements
lotus-model 0.5.2
A persistence framework with entities, repositories, data mapper and query objects
69 753 Téléchargements
dataduck 1.2.3
A straightforward, effective ETL framework.
67 768 Téléchargements
sequel-schema-sharding 0.13.4
Create horizontally sharded Sequel models with Postgres
67 332 Téléchargements
cucumber-blendle-steps 0.9.3
Cucumber steps used by all of Blendle Ruby projects
66 211 Téléchargements
easy_reports 0.0.27
Rails engine for interactive charts for rails apps.
66 153 Téléchargements
larch 1.1.2
Larch copies messages from one IMAP server to another. Awesomely.
65 494 Téléchargements
stuff-classifier 0.5
2 methods are provided for now - (1) naive bayes implementation + (2) tf-idf weights
65 033 Téléchargements
proxes 0.10.1
Rack wrapper around Elasticsearch to provide security and management features
64 792 Téléchargements
em-pg-client-helper 2.0.8
Simplify common operations using em-pg-client
64 510 Téléchargements
fias 1.0.3
Imports Russian FIAS database into SQL (for Ruby on Rails on PostgreSQL projects)
63 703 Téléchargements
logstash-input-mongodb 0.4.1
This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
63 349 Téléchargements
stealth_browser_automation 1.2.38
THIS GEM IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT STAGE. Find documentation here: https://github.com/lea...
62 962 Téléchargements
randwordjp 0.1.5
get Japanese random string.
62 801 Téléchargements
ass 0.0.25
Apple Service Server written with Sinatra and Sequel(Sqlite3)
61 321 Téléchargements
ass 0.0.25
Apple Service Server written with Sinatra and Sequel(Sqlite3)
61 321 Téléchargements
doorkeeper-sequel 2.4.0
Provides Doorkeeper support to Sequel database toolkit.
61 312 Téléchargements
sequel_migration_builder 0.4.3
Build Sequel Migrations based on the differences between two schemas
60 442 Téléchargements
waves 0.9.3
Open-source framework for building Ruby-based Web applications.
60 387 Téléchargements
talentbox-sequel-rails 0.3.10
Integrate Sequel with Rails 3
60 074 Téléchargements