RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour sequel Latest version of the following gems require sequel

forme 2.6.0

Forme is a forms library with the following goals: 1) Have no external dependencies 2)...

105 253 Téléchargements

deltacloud-core 1.1.3

The Deltacloud API is built as a service-based REST API. You do not directly link a...

104 113 Téléchargements

sequel-pg_advisory_locking 1.0.1

Adds PostgreSQL advisory locking support to Sequel

102 905 Téléchargements

sequel_core 3.8.0

Old Name: sequel_core, New Name: sequel

100 888 Téléchargements

predicate 2.8.0

Predicate provides a simple class and processors to encode and manipulate (tuple) predi...

100 447 Téléchargements

namey 0.0.13

Simple name generator, which can generate names based on US Census Data

99 558 Téléchargements

merb_sequel 1.1.1

Merb plugin that provides support for Sequel.

98 822 Téléchargements

cortex-reaver 0.3.1

A dangerous Ruby blog engine, with a photographic memory.

95 647 Téléchargements

perfectsched 0.8.12

Highly available distributed cron built on RDBMS

95 512 Téléchargements

rory 0.10.0

An exercise: Untangle the collusion of Rails idioms from my Ruby knowledge, while tryin...

93 195 Téléchargements

perus 1.0.7

Simple system overview server

92 339 Téléchargements

sinatra-sequel 0.9.0

Extends Sinatra with Sequel ORM config, migrations, and helpers

89 528 Téléchargements

sequel-string_nilifier 1.3.0

Sequel plugin to store empty string as nil

88 901 Téléchargements

sequel-pg_advisory_lock 0.1.2

Extension for ruby Sequel library that allows using PostgreSQL advisory locks for appli...

88 230 Téléchargements

sequel-pg-trgm 0.0.4


86 621 Téléchargements

invoicing_payments_processing 1.1.83


86 048 Téléchargements

newrelic-sequel 0.0.6

Sequel instrumentation for Newrelic.

85 946 Téléchargements

kiss 1.8.9

An MVC web application framework using Rack, Sequel, and Erubis.

83 926 Téléchargements

sequel_translatable 0.2.0

Translate model attributes for sequel, fully tested.

82 413 Téléchargements

sequel-honeycomb 0.4.1

TO DO *is* a description

81 210 Téléchargements

txcatcher 0.2.14

Currently, the only job of this gem is to collect all new Bitcoin/Litecoin transactions...

81 107 Téléchargements

bucky-core 0.10.27

Bucky-core can run test code which is written in YAML. End-to-End test (working with Se...

79 836 Téléchargements

eventus 0.6.7

An Event Store

79 481 Téléchargements

clevic 0.14.6

SQL table GUI with Qt / Java Swing and Sequel.

78 680 Téléchargements

ring-sqa 0.4.4

gets list of nodes and pings from each to each storing results

78 554 Téléchargements

baiduserp 2.5.5

Parse Baidu SERP result page.

78 154 Téléchargements

osso 0.1.2

This gem includes the main functionality for Osso apps,

77 293 Téléchargements

ruby_event_store-rom 2.2.0

Implementation of events repository based on ROM for Ruby Event Store

76 412 Téléchargements

gemstash 2.7.1

Gemstash acts as a local RubyGems server, caching copies of gems from auto...

76 396 Téléchargements

gemstash 2.7.1

Gemstash acts as a local RubyGems server, caching copies of gems from auto...

76 396 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 57 669 176

Pour cette version 66 388

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 1.9.2
