RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rubocop-performance La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rubocop-performance

omniauth-docusign 0.2.0

OmniAuth strategy for DocuSign.

44.533 Descargas

nucop 0.13.1

Nulogy's implementation of RuboCop, including custom cops and additional tooling.

44.208 Descargas

ruby_language_server 0.3.18

Provide a language server implementation for ruby in ruby. See https://microsoft.githu...

44.192 Descargas

yasuri 3.3.2

Yasuri (鑢) is a library for declarative web scraping and a command line tool for scrapi...

43.978 Descargas

cobalt-rubocop 1.0.2

Ruby code linting for Cobalt Ruby repositories

43.630 Descargas


A partial mongoid implementation of tagging based on/inspired by acts-as-taggable-on.

43.484 Descargas

rubocop-bsm 0.6.1

Internal RuboCop plugin for BSM

43.200 Descargas

globalize_current_translation 0.0.2

A gem that helps create a `current_translation` relationship which is the translation i...

43.026 Descargas

rubocop-mesomorphic 0.2.1

Common Rubocop rules to Mesomorphic projects

42.854 Descargas

silvercop 1.3.0

Code style checking for Silvercar Ruby repositories.

42.542 Descargas

capybara-box 2.0.0

A Tool Box for Capybara.

42.426 Descargas

filewatcher-cli 1.1.0

CLI for Filewatcher.

42.133 Descargas

onlyoffice_mysql_helper 0.3.0

Simple MySQL wrapper. Used in QA of ONLYOFFICE

41.970 Descargas

lightstreamer 0.17

Library and command-line client for accessing a Lightstreamer server.

40.622 Descargas

atspi_app_driver 0.10.0

Test GirFFI-based applications using Atspi

40.421 Descargas

yavdb 0.7.0

Yet Another Vulnerability Database The Free and Open Source vulnerability database.

39.853 Descargas

benchin 0.1.0

Benchmarking toolset for performance investigations.

39.852 Descargas

aranea 0.2.0

Rack and Faraday middleware to temporarily disable connections to external dependencies

39.562 Descargas

nulogy_graphql_api 4.3.0

Standard tooling for building GraphQL apis

39.517 Descargas

bunny_app 2.2.1

Use Bunny for SaaS subscription management, cpq, billing and CRM

39.244 Descargas

docomo-nlu 0.4.0

API Client of docomo NLPManagementAPI for ruby.

39.210 Descargas

fastlane-plugin-testappio 1.0.5

Deploy your Android & iOS to

38.951 Descargas

fastlane-plugin-scipio 0.1.5

A fastlane plugin for Scipio - A caching tool for Swift Package Manager

38.875 Descargas

sidekiq-datadog-monitor 1.1.1

A gem to gather and send sidekiq jobs metrics to datadog

38.827 Descargas

lite-command 3.3.3

Ruby Command based framework (aka service objects)

38.713 Descargas


This gem is here to help DRYing your tests cases by giving a better "shared_examples".

38.380 Descargas

gorilla_patch 5.0.1

Refine Ruby Core classes with methods like Active Support.

38.357 Descargas

frontman-ssg 0.1.1

A Middleman-inspired static site generator built for speed.

38.356 Descargas

acts_as_footprintable 0.6.2

Rails gem to allowing records to leave footprints

37.974 Descargas

fashion_police 2.4.4

KissKissBankBank's shared style configuration

37.822 Descargas

Total de descargas 201.882.281

Para esta versión 1.373.229

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
