RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rubocop-performance La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rubocop-performance

faraday-encode_xml 1.0.0

Faraday middleware for encoding requests as XML.

84.391 Descargas

gem_updater 7.4.0

Updates the gems of your Gemfile and fetches the links pointing to where their changelo...

83.936 Descargas

boxt_rubocop 2.21.0

Base Rubocop settings for all Boxt Ruby projects

83.188 Descargas

pr_comet 0.7.0

It helps to create a pull request on your script

82.758 Descargas

jekyll-auth 2.1.3

A simple way to use GitHub OAuth to serve a protected jekyll site to your GitHub organi...

82.232 Descargas

br_documents 0.2.5

Validates brazilian documents like CPF, CNPJ and IE.

81.957 Descargas

redmine_airbrake_backend 1.4.1

Plugin which adds Airbrake support to Redmine

80.873 Descargas

hayabusa 0.0.30

A threadded web/app-server that focuses on threadding, shared ressources, speed and more.

79.505 Descargas

update_repo 0.11.3

A Simple Gem to keep multiple locally-cloned Git Repositories up to date

78.163 Descargas

rewind-ruby-style 2.0.0

Gem containing the config files for style chekers that corresponds to the implementatio...

77.978 Descargas

rubocop-nosolosoftware 1.18.0

Default Rubocop configuration used in NoSoloSoftware developments

76.942 Descargas

disco_app 0.18.6

Rails engine for Shopify applications.

75.804 Descargas

generic_app 3.0.22

Instead of creating your Rails app from scratch, start with a prebuilt template.

75.162 Descargas

ig_markets 0.35

Library and command-line client for accessing the IG Markets dealing platform.

74.823 Descargas

ocg 1.4.3

Option combination generator.

73.572 Descargas

active_date_range 0.3.2

ActiveDateRange provides a range of dates with a powerful API to manipulate and use dat...

72.934 Descargas

fastlane-plugin-apadmi_grout 2.7.0

A fastlane wrapper for the apadmi build tools plugin

71.559 Descargas

prawn-rtl-support 0.1.7

Add suport for arabic language in prawn.

71.090 Descargas

simple_endpoint 2.0.0

Dry-matcher free implementation of trailblazer endpoint, with ability to redefine match...

70.041 Descargas

activecleaner 0.3.3

ActiveCleaner is a set of helpers that helps you in cleaning user-typed content in your...

69.510 Descargas

firebug 1.4.2

Gem for working with CodeIgniter sessions

69.268 Descargas

groundskeeper-bitcore 0.36.0

A gem for managing releases and deployments.

69.042 Descargas

hashes_equal 0.2.3

Provides an assertion to test for hashes equality.

67.807 Descargas

simple_delegate 0.0.4

A simple library to delegate methods to instance variables

67.271 Descargas

potassium 7.2.0

An application generator from Platanus

66.546 Descargas

acts_as_removable 3.4.0

Simplifies handling of pseudo removed records.

65.486 Descargas

yoshiki 10.0.0

Dev Fu! Style for rubocop.

65.203 Descargas

onlyoffice_gmail_helper 0.5.0

ONLYOFFICE Helper Gem for GMail. Used in QA

65.200 Descargas

assertable 0.1.1

Allows for compact checks (Python style)

64.973 Descargas

billogram 0.6.6

Simple ruby wrapper for Billogram API

64.469 Descargas

Total de descargas 201.795.402

Para esta versión 1.346.234

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
