RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rubocop-performance La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rubocop-performance

gruf-commander 1.2.0

Command/request syntax helper for gruf

164.265 Descargas

gman 7.0.6

A ruby gem to check if the owner of a given email address is working for THE MAN.

164.120 Descargas

manageiq-style 1.5.4

Style and linting configuration for ManageIQ projects.

163.329 Descargas

r18n-rails 5.0.0

Out-of-box R18n support for Ruby on Rails. It is just a wrapper for R18n Rails API ...

163.021 Descargas

vagrant-google 2.7.0

Enables Vagrant to manage Google Compute Engine instances.

157.868 Descargas

excavate 0.3.7

Extract nested archives with a single command.

157.657 Descargas

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.4 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

156.695 Descargas

opentelemetry-instrumentation-rspec 0.4.0

Rspec instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

156.140 Descargas

cased-ruby 0.8.0

Ruby library for Cased

155.083 Descargas

sitemap-parser 0.5.6

Ruby Gem to parse compliant sitemaps.

152.532 Descargas

tilt-handlebars 2.0.0

A Tilt interface for the official JavaScript implementation of the Handlebars templ...

148.264 Descargas

br_danfe 1.2.2

DANFE pdf generator for Brazilian invoices.

146.479 Descargas

jekyll_picture_tag 2.1.2

Jekyll Picture Tag adds responsive images to your Jekyll static site. It automatica...

143.891 Descargas

simple_workflow 2.2.1

Expands Ruby on Rails to allow simple breadcrumb detour workflows.

143.343 Descargas

rubocop_challenger 2.11.1

Make a clean your rubocop_todo.yml with CI

141.468 Descargas

scc-codestyle 0.7.0

SCC style guides and shared style configs.

140.264 Descargas

twbs_sass_rails 10.2.0

Provides assets for Bootstrap and FontAwesome in your Rails application.

140.261 Descargas

infopark_reactor 1.29.1

Use the ActiveRecord mimicking API to write into CM and enjoy all the benefits of callb...

135.758 Descargas

kodachroma 1.0.2

A library for color manipulation and palette generation.

134.723 Descargas

zuora_connect_ui 0.12.3

Description of Connect UI

134.364 Descargas

my_api_client 1.2.0

Provides features error handling, retrying and so on.

132.646 Descargas

solidus_dev_support 2.11.0

Development tools for Solidus extensions.

132.077 Descargas

theforeman-rubocop 0.1.2

Shared Rubocop configuration for family of projects.

130.894 Descargas

service_pattern 1.0.10

ServicePattern for Ruby on Rails.

129.942 Descargas

fastlane-plugin-pgyer 0.2.9

distribute app to pgyer beta testing service

129.548 Descargas

dotpath 0.1.0

dotpath gives you utilities to navigate and modify hashes and arrays in Ruby with the J...

129.165 Descargas

pulis 0.1.37

cop file for my project

128.307 Descargas

evostream-event 2.0.3

Manipulate event evostream and send actions to evostream server.

125.332 Descargas

tb_core 1.5.4

Twice Baked Core Engine

123.463 Descargas

active_graphql 0.3

Graphql client

122.566 Descargas

Total de descargas 201.775.672

Para esta versión 1.339.492

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
