rubocop-minitest 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-minitest
picdown 0.1.1
Download the given images from a source file.
2,308 下載
rush_job_mongoid 1.6.0
Rails web interface for delayed_job using Rails::Engine and MongoDB
2,078 下載
bundler-as_of 0.1.0
Resolve gem dependencies as-of a date in the past. Intended to resurrect older projects...
2,031 下載
rubocop-trailblazer 0.1.2
Trailblazer Style Guide for RuboCop
2,006 下載
newrelic_security 0.4.0
New Relic is a performance management system, developed by New Relic, Inc (http://w...
1,989 下載
rubocop-emotionsar 1.0.0
Provides basic configuration for rubocop to be used in Ruby on Rails projects. It a...
1,980 下載
ruby-openid2 3.1.0
A library for consuming and serving OpenID identities.
1,952 下載
ascii_pngfy 0.2.0
AsciiPngfy is a Ruby Gem that enables you to render ASCII text into a PNG image up to a...
1,865 下載
lockness 0.2.0
Manage encrypted secrets
1,844 下載
dashbrains-rubocop-config 1.0.6
Shared Rubocop config used at DashBrains
1,833 下載
data_class_factory 1.0.0
Backport `Data.define` for Ruby 2.7, 3.0, 3.1
1,785 下載
rubocop-cache-ventures 1.2.0
Cache Ventures RuboCop config.
1,780 下載
grpc_interceptors 0.1.5
A collection of Ruby interceptors (middlewares) for gRPC servers and clients.
1,722 下載
relax2 0.1.1
A quick and dirty HTTP API client factory for Ruby
1,663 下載
feature_envy 0.3.0
Feature Envy enhances Ruby with features inspired by other programming languages
1,661 下載
reflective-search 0.1.0
Simple search library
1,654 下載
airtable2 0.2.8
Easily connect to airtable data using ruby with access to all of the airtable features.
1,551 下載
actiondoc 0.4.0
Ruby Gem to generate documentation for GitHub Actions
1,544 下載
zanshin 1.0.1
Ruby SDK to access the Tenchi Security Zanshin API v1
1,517 下載
exekutor 0.1.2
PostgreSQL backed active job adapter which uses `LISTEN/NOTIFY` to listen for jobs and ...
1,440 下載
rack-openid2 2.0.3
Provides a more HTTPish API around the ruby-openid2 library
1,437 下載
ecoji 0.1.0
Ecoji is a data-to-emoji encoding scheme. This library provides the implementation of E...
1,382 下載
rubocop-rails-kotai 1.0.4
Kotai Ruby styling for Rails
1,378 下載
typeform-ruby-client 0.1.2
The Typeform Client for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API client...
1,179 下載
pinboard_logseq 0.1.2
Export from Pinboard to Logseq
1,077 下載
prism_checker_rspec 1.0.0
prism_checker_rspec is an extension for rspec, built on top of the site_prism gem and u...
996 下載
nummy 0.3.0
Nummy provides utilities that that build on Ruby's Enumerable module to provide functio...
995 下載
gitw 0.4.0
git command wrabper
966 下載
iconpark 0.0.5
Integrates Iconpark with the Rails asset pipelines
932 下載
ruby-bzs 1.0.0
Ruby bindings for bzip2 library.
926 下載