rubocop-minitest 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-minitest
pattern_bibz 1.3.2
Generate your pattern files through this generator: Eq. rails g pattern MyCustomDecorator
17,224 下載
strict 1.5.0
Strictly define a contract for your objects and methods
14,079 下載
webpacker-pnpm 1.2.3
webpacker-pnpm minimizes dependency hell, improves code quality stability, and reduces ...
13,712 下載
voxpupuli-rubocop 3.0.0
Used in Vox Pupuli gems to configure RuboCop in a unified and centralised way
13,452 下載
gnome_app_driver 0.3.3
Driver to test the UI of applications using Ruby-GNOME2 by interacting with them via At...
12,620 下載
phew 0.0.7
List and compare installed fonts on GNOME
11,850 下載
wait_up 0.1.2
Play sound files slowly so you can follow along
11,533 下載
hash_deep_diff 0.8.0
Find the exact difference between two Hash objects
10,818 下載
standard-minitest 1.0.0
A Standard Ruby plugin that configures rubocop-minitest
10,551 下載
chart_bibz 0.1.2
ChartJs with ruby.
10,528 下載
brew_lib 0.1.20
10,421 下載
reviewer 0.1.5
Provides a unified approach to managing automated code quality tools.
10,075 下載
tealrb 0.12.0
A DSL for building Algorand smart contracts
9,898 下載
dpkg-s3 0.4.0
Easily create and manage an APT repository on S3.
9,338 下載
stylegen 0.6.1
Tool for generating styling code for iOS apps
9,165 下載
leanweb 0.5.4
LeanWeb is a minimal hybrid static / dynamic web framework
8,805 下載
ruby-lsp-reek 0.3.1
An addon for Ruby LSP that enables linting with reek
8,778 下載
pr-with-params 2.0.2
Pushes current local branch to remote with upstream at origin/[local-branch-name]. It a...
7,747 下載
auctify 1.1.5
Gem for adding auction behavior to models.
7,517 下載
zaikio-warehouse 0.9.0
Ruby API Client for Zaikio's Warehouse Platform
7,507 下載
mais-access 2.1.2
mais-access provides a simple yet secure HTTP(S) authentication barrier for application...
7,317 下載
emasser 3.22.0
The emasser can be used as a gem or used from the command line (CL) to access eMASS end...
6,957 下載
webpack-helpers 0.1.3
Make Ruby and Webpack as loosely coupled as possible.
6,822 下載
dieses 0.1.0
Guide sheets generator for penmanship, calligraphy, lettering, and sketching
6,565 下載
rush_job 1.3.0
Rails web interface for delayed_job using Rails::Engine.
6,480 下載
gem_name 0.1.8
Brew lib.
6,402 下載
ruar 0.0.4
Pack your Ruby code for distribution
6,198 下載
vcs4sql 0.1.1
In the last few years, version control for database became best practice. There are sev...
5,700 下載
gemwork 0.7.12
Gemwork is an abstract framework used by pdobb's Ruby Gems.
5,691 下載
linguin 2.0.0
This is a Ruby API wrapper for consuming the API allowing you to de...
5,520 下載