rr 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rr
af 0.3.22
AppFog.com CLI
228,495 下載
fluent-plugin-td-monitoring 1.0.0
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
227,613 下載
biodiversity19 3.1.7
Tools for biodiversity informatics
205,206 下載
ivy4r 0.12.10
Ivy4r is a Ruby interface for Apache Ivy dependency management library. Offers support ...
195,993 下載
role_authorization 0.9.6
A gem for handling authorization in rails using roles
190,531 下載
manifests-vmc-plugin 0.6.2
Cloud Foundry automation via manifest documents.
181,859 下載
riot 0.12.7
An extremely fast, expressive, and context-driven unit-testing framework. A replacement...
181,776 下載
specjour 0.7.0
Specjour splits your RSpec suite across multiple machines, and multiple cores per m...
177,061 下載
pry-clipboard 0.1.1
pry clipboard utility
176,986 下載
spitball 0.8.2
Use bundler to generate gem tarball packages.
172,616 下載
massimo 0.10.3
Massimo builds HTML, Javascript, and CSS Files from your source.
161,915 下載
data_table 0.4.15
Simple data preparation from AR/Mongoid to the jQuery DataTables plugin
161,355 下載
fluent-plugin-viaq_data_model 0.0.22
Filter plugin to ensure data is in the ViaQ common data model
158,071 下載
datacatalog 0.4.22
A Ruby client library for the National Data Catalog API
151,116 下載
pathological 0.3.0
Pathological provides a way to manage a project's require paths by using a small config...
146,680 下載
sinatra_resource 0.4.24
A DSL for creating RESTful actions with Sinatra and MongoMapper. It embraces the Resour...
139,500 下載
git-commit-notifier 0.12.10
This git commit notifier sends html mails with nice diffs for every changed file.
135,726 下載
astrails-safe 0.3.1
Astrails-Safe is a simple tool to backup databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL), Subversion r...
133,182 下載
cb2 0.0.4
Implementation of the circuit breaker pattern in Ruby
132,406 下載
bbcoder 1.1.1
A gem for parsing bbcode that doesn't rely on regular expressions
128,922 下載
operawatir 0.5.1
OperaWatir is a part of the Watir (pronounced water) family of free software Ruby l...
127,228 下載
operawatir 0.5.1
OperaWatir is a part of the Watir (pronounced water) family of free software Ruby l...
127,228 下載
tunnels 1.2.2
This tunnels https to http.
126,954 下載
ruby-satisfaction 0.7.5
Ruby client for using Get Satisfaction's RESTful API. Get Satisfaction is a simple way ...
126,787 下載
st-elsewhere 0.1.5
This gem provides has_many_elsewhere, an ActiveRecord class method to support many to m...
120,492 下載
coded_options 1.1.0
A gem for making fields with coded values easier
118,228 下載
gimli 0.5.9
Utility for converting markup files to pdf files. Useful for reports etc.
118,165 下載
rack-recaptcha 0.6.6
Rack middleware Captcha verification using Recaptcha API.
116,891 下載
indextank 1.0.13
Ruby Client for the IndexTank API
108,548 下載
activerecord_snapshot_view 0.11.8
manage snapshot materialized views for ActiveRecord. multiple ...
105,649 下載