rdf 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rdf
rdf-ordered-repo 3.3.0
An in-memory implementation of RDF::Repository using native Ruby Hashes having insert-o...
321,173 下載
relaton-w3c 1.20.0
RelatonIso: retrieve W3C Standards for bibliographic using the IsoBibliographicItem model
301,800 下載
Hydra implementations for CUL repository apps
235,814 下載
rdf-hamster-repo 3.3.0
An in-memory implementation of RDF::Repository using an efficient, immutable, and threa...
216,503 下載
tripod 0.15.1
RDF ruby ORM
204,501 下載
valkyrie 3.5.0
An ORM using the Data Mapper pattern, specifically built to solve Digital Repository us...
182,086 下載
yaml-ld 0.0.3
YAML_LD parses and serializes YAML-LD into RDF and implements expansion, compaction and...
180,318 下載
publish_my_data 1.3.25
The PublishMyData Rails Engine. Create rails apps with Linked Data functionality.
175,685 下載
curation_concerns 2.0.0
A Rails Engine that allows an application to CRUD CurationConcern objects (a.k.a. "Works")
169,541 下載
hydra-collections 8.2.0
A rails engine for managing Hydra Collections
148,951 下載
bel 1.1.2
The BEL gem allows the reading, writing, and processing of BEL (Biological Expression L...
146,201 下載
rdf-spec 3.3.0
RDF.rb extension that provides RSpec matchers and shared examples for RDF objects.
143,964 下載
cul_hydra 1.11.2
Hydra implementations for CUL repository apps
139,675 下載
ldpath 1.2.0
Ruby implementation of LDPath
133,298 下載
rdfobjects 0.11.4
RDFObjects are intended to simplify working with RDF data by providing a (more) Ruby-li...
127,427 下載
krikri 0.15.2
Metadata aggregation and enrichment for cultural heritage institutions.
125,308 下載
revs-utils 2.2.0
Shared methods and functions used by revs-indexer, pre-assembly and bulk metadata loadi...
115,621 下載
earl-report 0.9.1
EarlReport generates HTML+RDFa rollups of multiple EARL reports.
113,600 下載
spira 3.3.0
Spira is a framework for using the information in RDF.rb repositories as model objects.
103,544 下載
talia_core 0.7.0
This is the core plugin for building a digital library with Talia/Rails.
99,226 下載
rdf-ldp 2.1.0
Implements a Linked Data Platform domain model, Rack middleware for server implementers...
93,713 下載
rdf-raptor 3.2.0
RDF.rb plugin for parsing/serializing NTriples, RDF/XML, Turtle and RDFa data using the...
84,158 下載
turbot-ruby-gems 0.34
Metapackage to install gems provided by Turbot.
81,950 下載
dbd 0.1.3
A data store that (almost) never forgets
78,265 下載
bulkrax 9.0.2
Bulkrax is a batteries included importer for Samvera applications. It currently include...
68,569 下載
pho 0.7.9
Ruby client for the Talis Platform
68,336 下載
rdf-virtuoso 0.3.0
An RDF.rb extension library for interacting with a Virtuoso rdf store.\nSupports SPARQL...
62,465 下載
acts_as_rdf 0.1.6
Gem version of acts_as_rdf Rails plugin
60,287 下載
uri_service 0.6.0
A service for registering local URIs and performing both local and remote URI lookups.
53,154 下載
biointerchange 1.0.8
BioInterchange is a Ruby gem, command-line tool, web-service for turning heterogeneous ...
48,460 下載