Dépendances inversées pour rdf Latest version of the following gems require rdf
linked_vocabs 0.3.1
Linked Data Controlled Vocabularies for ActiveFedora::Rdf.
11 717 Téléchargements
rdf-mapper 0.0.3
RDFMapper is a lightweight Ruby ORM that works with RDF data in a Rails-like fashion. I...
11 530 Téléchargements
mexico 0.0.12
MExiCo is a library and API for the management of multimodal experimental corpora.
11 298 Téléchargements
rdf-agraph 0.4
An AllegroGraph adapter for use with RDF.rb.
11 227 Téléchargements
jekyll-rdfa 0.0.3
A Jekyll generator to scan for RDFa-encoded data in posts and dumps the entire graph ...
11 041 Téléchargements
COEUS: semantic web application framework
10 894 Téléchargements
bbc-programmes 0.1.1
Ruby client library for the BBC Programmes website.
10 558 Téléchargements
rdf-4store 0.0.2
RDF.rb plugin providing 4store storage adapter.
9 706 Téléchargements
rdf-iiif 0.1.0
This gem deprecated in favor of rdf-vocab
9 517 Téléchargements
tripleloop 0.0.6
Simple tool for extracting RDF triples from Ruby hashes
9 248 Téléchargements
rdf-lemon 1.0.1
Adds the lemon and LexInfo vocabularies to RDF.rb
7 906 Téléchargements
creng 0.4.3
Using this gem, you can create chrome extension skeleton with no troubles. The aim of p...
7 848 Téléchargements
sparql-server 0.0.2
Naïve implementation of SPARQL server for RDFMapper
7 815 Téléchargements
rdf-threadsafe 0.3.3
A hack to RDF.rb to override its autoloading feature to allow it to work in JRuby threads.
7 455 Téléchargements
the-experimenters-rdf-rdfxml 0.3.4
RDF::RDFXML is an RDF/XML reader and writer for the RDF.rb library suite.
7 455 Téléchargements
opentox-client 1.0.0pre1
Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (http://www.opentox.org)
7 280 Téléchargements
wf4ever-rosrs-client 0.2.0
A port of the ROSRS API Python client into Ruby.
6 851 Téléchargements
rdf-edtf 1.1.0
Supports serializing and parsing EDTF (all levels) as typed literals in RDF.
6 554 Téléchargements
rdf-blazegraph 0.0.2
A Blazegraph Repository adapter for RDF.rb
5 801 Téléchargements
csvrdf 0.0.2
A simple translator of CSV files into RDF
5 421 Téléchargements
rdf-xml 0.0.3
An RDF.rb plugin for XML files.
5 130 Téléchargements
rdf-sparql 0.0.2
RDF.rb plugin for parsing / writing SPARQL queries
5 092 Téléchargements
changesets 0.1
RDF Changesets API
4 994 Téléchargements
rdf-vcf 0.1.2
This is an RDF.rb reader plugin for Variant Call Format (VCF) files, widely used in...
4 693 Téléchargements
rdf-redstore 0.1.0
RDF.rb plugin providing a RedStore storage adapter.
4 631 Téléchargements
alchemy-concept-extractor 0.1.1
Extracts concepts for a given URI from the Alchemy API (http://www.alchemyapi.com/)
4 562 Téléchargements
pius-rdfs 0.3.0
RDFS.rb is a forward-chaining inference engine that implements the RDF Schema (RDFS) en...
4 562 Téléchargements
rdf-benchmark 0.1.0
Dataset Generation & Benchmarks for RDF.rb
4 559 Téléchargements
rdf_for_sqlite 0.1.0
RDF for SQLite is a container gem for getting the simplest RDF-based applications off t...
4 552 Téléchargements
rdf-rdfobjects 0.0.1
An object oriented interface for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data...
4 289 Téléchargements