rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails
avatars_for_rails 1.1.4
A Rails engine that allows any model to act as avatarable, permitting it to have a comp...
194,464 下载
openstax_api 9.6.1
Provides models, controllers and libraries that help OpenStax products define API's for...
194,321 下载
active_job_log 3.0.0
Rails engine to register jobs history, adding: job state, error feedback, duration, etc.
194,044 下载
sidekiq-enqueuer 2.1.1
A Sidekiq Web extension to enqueue/schedule jobs with custom perform params in Web UI. ...
193,731 下载
jsboot-rails 0.0.3
a small solution for removing all inline javascript from your views
193,197 下载
jspdf-rails 1.0.3
A HTML5 client-side solution for generating PDFs.
192,768 下载
async-rails 3.0.1
Rails asset pipeline wrapper for async.js
192,734 下载
better_record 0.25.2
This app extends active record to allow you to change the polymorphic type value in rel...
191,937 下载
table-for 3.7.0
table-for is a table builder for an array of objects, easily allowing overriding of how...
191,769 下载
brightcontent-core 2.6.0
Brightcontent core
191,653 下载
avocado-docs 4.0.3
Avocado listens for JSON responses in the test environment and generates a YAML file de...
191,637 下载
effective_form_inputs 1.5.0
Collection of Form Inputs
191,615 下载
spina 2.19.0
191,518 下载
rails_drivers 1.2.0
Like Rails Engines, but without the friction. Your Rails app can't access them, and the...
191,511 下载
acts_as_cleo 3.0.2
LinkedIn Open Source type ahead tool's REST API as a ruby gem. Now with Reddis support.
191,307 下载
simple_form_fancy_uploads 0.5.0
Use simple_form (>= v2.0) custom inputs to get image previews or a link to uploaded fil...
191,207 下载
active_record_api-rest 2.0.3
A simple library for RESTful rails controllers.
191,146 下载
human_attributes 1.1.0
Gem to convert ActiveRecord attributes and methods to human readable attributes
190,895 下载
nandi 0.13.0
Fear-free migrations for PostgreSQL
190,561 下载
paid_up 0.13.22
Allows a model of your choosing (such as users) to subscribe to a plan, which enables f...
190,433 下载
encrypted-cookie-store 1.0
Add an encrypted cookie session store for Rails 3
189,892 下载
record-cache 0.1.6
Record Cache for Rails 3
189,760 下载
abstractor 4.4.7
A Rails engine gem for deriving discrete data points from narrative text via natural la...
188,367 下载
simple_form_extension 1.5.1
The following custom Simple Form inputs are available : boolean, collection_check_boxes...
188,265 下载
govuk_elements_rails 3.1.3
A gem wrapper around govuk_elements v3.1.3 that pulls stylesheet and javascript files ...
188,040 下载
heroku-stage 0.4.0
Based on convention this gem will get the heroku pipeline stage from the app name
186,833 下载
js_rails_routes 1.2.0
Generate a ES6 module that contains Rails routes.
186,604 下载
otp-jwt 0.3.1
OTP (email, SMS) JWT authentication for HTTP APIs.
186,472 下载
uploadcare-rails 3.4.4
Rails API client (based on uploadcare-ruby) that handles uploads and further operations...
186,206 下载
vhx-quartz 0.11.24
Official VHX Styleguide
186,159 下载