RubyGems Navigation menu

rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails

snoop_dogg 0.1.4

A nicer way to see Models

205,259 下载

panoramic 0.0.7

A gem to store Rails views on database

205,159 下载

immunio 2.0.4

IMMUNIO protects your web app from security vulnerabilities by monitoring requests in r...

204,698 下载

rails_exception_handler 2.4.9

Highly customizable exception handling for Ruby on Rails

204,416 下载

passwordless 1.8.1

Add authentication to your app without all the ickyness of passwords.

204,386 下载

chatops-controller 4.1.0

See the README for documentation

204,124 下载

ajaxify_rails 0.9.7

Automatically makes your Rails app loading content in the background via ajax. Works by...

203,531 下载

render_csv 2.0.0

Adds a custom CSV renderer to Rails applications

203,397 下载

bootstrap3-rails 3.2.0

Add Bootstrap v3.2.0 to your rails app. See for more...

203,278 下载

recordselect 4.0.4

RecordSelect is a Rails widget to help you pick one record out of many. I designed it a...

202,938 下载

jqcloud-rails 1.0.0

Provides easy installation and usage of jQCloud javascript library for your Rails 3.1+ ...

202,352 下载

sweet-alert2-rails 0.1.0

Replace the Rails system confirm box with SweetAlert2

200,883 下载

progressive_render 0.7.0

For large or expensive pages, use this gem to load less critical portions of the page. ...

200,737 下载

comixins 0.1.2

Comixins helps to introduce the compass-mixins.

200,112 下载

hammock 0.6.0

Radically RESTful Rails.

199,774 下载

constructor-core 0.9.1

Core for Constructor CMS

199,417 下载

nav_lynx 1.1.1

Rails helper to generate navigation links with a selected class.

199,111 下载

guard-rails-assets 0.1.6

guard-rails-assets automatically generates JavaScript, CSS, Image files using Rails ass...

198,735 下载

workless 2.2.0

Extension to Delayed Job to enable workers to scale up when needed

198,324 下载

timespan 0.6.0

Makes it easy to store time duration, make calculations and comparions and store the du...

198,207 下载

nestive 0.6.0

A Rails plugin/gem for awesome nested templates and layouts

198,154 下载

liquid-rails 0.2.0

It allows you to render .liquid templates with layout and partial support. It also prov...

197,846 下载

active_record-postgres-constraints 0.2.2


197,640 下载

has_accounts 3.1.0

HasAccounts is a full featured Rails gem providing models for financial accounting.

197,637 下载

radiant 1.1.4

Radiant is a simple and powerful publishing system designed for small teams. It is buil...

197,428 下载

active_assets 1.1.3

A Railtie that provides an asset management system for css, javascript, and sprites in ...

197,403 下载

deimos-ruby 2.0.4

Kafka libraries for Ruby.

196,322 下载

paul_revere 3.3.0

Paul Revere provides a model and helper methods to do one-off style announcements.

196,108 下载

kajabi_parsley 0.1.1

Helpers and assets for the Parsley js

195,562 下载

user_time_zone 0.0.2

Use jstz to select an initial timezone during user sign ups.

194,728 下载

下载总量 596,975,485

这个版本 163,538




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.2.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证(MFA): true

使用多因素验证(MFA)发布的版本: true

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.8.11
