RubyGems Navigation menu

rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails

acts_as_assets 0.4.1

Manage multiple assets related to a specific model

233,636 下载

rake-task-migration 1.1.0

Rails gem for rake task migrations

233,296 下载

wechat 0.17.7

API, command and message handling for WeChat in Rails

233,287 下载

ocean-dynamo 1.9.1

== OceanDynamo As one important use case for OceanDynamo is to facilitate the conversi...

232,489 下载

rails-session_cookie 0.3.0

Helps to get proper integration tests run faster

231,892 下载

escher 3.1.0

Escher helps you creating secure HTTP requests (for APIs) by signing HTTP(s) requests.

231,753 下载

api_resource 0.6.25

A replacement for ActiveResource for RESTful APIs that handles associated object and mu...

230,878 下载

fleetio_spark 1.3.8

Description of your gem (usually longer).

229,324 下载

rollout_ui 0.3.0

A UI for James Golick's rollout gem

229,206 下载

rails_bootstrap_navbar 3.0.0

Easily generate a Bootstrap navbar in your Rails app

229,134 下载

kaminari-cells 1.0.2

Simple Kaminari pagination in Cells.

227,969 下载

browsercms 3.5.7

BrowserCMS is a general purpose, open source Web Content Management System (CMS) that s...

227,933 下载

view_component_reflex 3.3.5

Allow stimulus reflexes in a view component

227,451 下载

newrelic-middleware 1.1.0

Track time spent your middleware stack with New Relic

226,634 下载

active_admin_editor 1.1.0

Rich text editor for Active Admin using wysihtml5.

226,596 下载

pulitzer 0.15.31

A content management system that works with your view templates. Keep the presses hot!

224,559 下载

surveyor 1.4.0

A rails (gem) plugin to enable surveys in your application

223,940 下载

decidim-bulletin_board 0.24.4

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

223,878 下载

grape-jsonapi 1.0.1

Provides a Formatter for the Grape API DSL to emit objects serialized with jsonapi-seri...

223,226 下载

thin_man 0.20.10

A Rails library that makes web apps lively while keeping all the logic on the server.

222,717 下载

splunk-otel 1.3.0

Splunk OpenTelemetry Ruby distribution

222,400 下载

polymer-rails 1.3.0

Use of web components and polymer-project in Ruby on Rails projects

221,422 下载

event_machine 0.4.1

simple elegant customize hooks

221,360 下载

flux-rails-assets 2.1.0

Use Facebook's Flux dispatcher and Node EventEmitter in your Rails project.

221,055 下载

administrate_exportable 0.6.3

Simple plugin to add CSV export feature to Administrate

220,922 下载

nopassword 0.1.5

NoPassword is a toolkit that makes it easy to implement temporary, secure login codes i...

220,898 下载

magic_recipes_two 0.0.95

MagicRecipesTwo contains our most used deployment recipes for Capistrano-3.

220,358 下载

rails_admin_globalize_field 1.2.0

Adds tabbed interface and custom field type for globalize translations to Rails_admin

220,113 下载

opal-rails 2.0.4

Rails bindings for opal JS engine

219,242 下载

csb 0.13.0

A simple and streaming support CSV template engine for Ruby on Rails.

219,059 下载

下载总量 596,843,539

这个版本 157,361




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.2.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证(MFA): true

使用多因素验证(MFA)发布的版本: true

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.8.11
