rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails
simple_scheduler 1.2.0
Simple Scheduler adds the ability to enhance Heroku Scheduler by using Sidekiq to queue...
248,687 下载
rgviz-rails 1.0.0
rgviz for rails
247,321 下载
challah 1.6.1
A simple gem for authorization and session management in Rails.
247,234 下载
thredded 1.1.0
The best Rails 6.0+ forums engine ever. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as...
247,143 下载
fusioncharts-rails 0.0.2
Server Wrapper for rendering FusionCharts on Rails
246,879 下载
kaui 3.0.5
Rails UI plugin for Killbill administration.
246,534 下载
locomotive_cms 2.5.7
LocomotiveCMS is a next generation CMS system with sexy admin tools, liquid templating,...
246,049 下载
underscore_extensions 0.2.7
Adds extensions to the underscore javascript library. It adds the javascript as a rails...
245,189 下载
mails_viewer 0.2.0
A mails preview Engine which provides a table view for all mails under tmp/mails.
244,847 下载
octicons_v2_helper 0.0.0.pre.dcc6a36
A rails helper that makes including svg Octicons simple.
244,671 下载
awesome_translations 0.0.67
Semi-automatic maintenance of most translations in a Rails app.
244,463 下载
colorbox-rails 0.1.2
Simple engine making colorbox use in rails super easy
244,392 下载
async_request 1.0.0
Perform background jobs and ask for the result in a simple way.
242,211 下载
devise_invalidatable 0.1.0
Adds the ability to invalidate a session with Devise
241,724 下载
maestrano-connector-rails 2.3.6
Maestrano is the next generation marketplace for SME applications. See https://sme.maes...
241,544 下载
admin_data 1.2.1
Manage data as if you own it
241,504 下载
filterer 2.0.0
Filterer lets your users easily filter results from your ActiveRecord models.
240,656 下载
chanko 3.0.0
Chanko is a Rails extension tool
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fullstack-admin 0.2.26
Administration interface framework for fullstack
240,067 下载
bookyt_projects 1.1.2
This plugin extends bookyt with project management functionality.
239,943 下载
i18n_rails_helpers 2.1.0
Rails i18n view helpers for things like crud actions, models and attributes.
239,031 下载
figjam 1.6.2
ENV configuration for ruby using hierarchical environment yaml files
238,078 下载
hyrax 5.0.4
Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...
237,737 下载
adminpanel 3.6.1
Gem that focus on making a public site's resources very quickly while being very config...
237,676 下载
simple_form_ransack 0.0.21
Makes it easy to use SimpleForm::FormBuilder with Ransack without constantly having to ...
237,605 下载
smalruby-editor 0.4.2
The smalruby-editor is a visual programming editor that can create aRuby script by comb...
236,846 下载
smalruby-editor 0.4.2
The smalruby-editor is a visual programming editor that can create aRuby script by comb...
236,846 下载
bootstrap_builders 1.0.4
A library to generate Bootstrap HTML for Rails.
236,715 下载
premailer-rails3 1.3.2
This gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails withou...
236,061 下载
ruby-haml-js 0.0.5
ruby-haml-js provides a Tilt template that you can use to compile HAML-JS templates int...
234,697 下载