rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails
data_seeder 1.1.0
Provides a simple methodology for seeding your Rails database
286,824 下载
cats_core 1.5.31
This rails engine represents the core module for CATS applications
285,618 下载
flash_cookie_session 1.1.6
Useful for Flash-based file uploaders (SWFUpload, Uploadify, Plupload, etc)
285,553 下载
rails_admin_rollincode 1.4
Rails_Admin FLAT theme overhaul
285,079 下载
backbone_extensions 0.0.26
Adds extensions to the backbone javascript library. It adds the javascript as a rails e...
283,975 下载
any_login 1.6.0
Simply add this gem to your application and make your life easier with switching users.
283,494 下载
contrast-agent 7.6.1
This gem instantiates a Rack middleware for rack-based web applications in order to pro...
282,856 下载
typus 3.1.10
Ruby on Rails Admin Panel (Engine) to allow trusted users edit structured content.
282,272 下载
lumber 1.2.2
Lumber tries to make it easy to use the more robust log4r logging system within your ra...
281,038 下载
rails-mermaid_erd 0.6.0
Generate Mermaid ERD for Ruby on Rails
280,938 下载
jsonapi_parameters 2.3.0
JsonApi::Parameters allows you to easily translate JSON:API compliant parameters to a s...
280,771 下载
actual_db_schema 0.8.3
Wipe out inconsistent DB and schema.rb when switching branches. Just install this gem a...
278,621 下载
panda_pal 5.12.9
LTI mountable engine
278,155 下载
panda_pal 5.12.9
LTI mountable engine
278,155 下载
bootstrap5-kaminari-views 0.0.1
Bootstrap 5 compatible styles for Kaminari gem
278,075 下载
bootstrap_forms 4.0.1
Bootstrap Forms makes Twitter's Bootstrap on Rails easy to use by creating helpful form...
277,855 下载
cucumber-rails-training-wheels 1.0.0
Training Wheels for Cucumber-Rails
277,668 下载
bookyt_salary 0.24.0
This plugin extends bookyt with Salary functionality.
276,184 下载
rails-latex 2.3.4
rails-latex is a renderer for rails which allows tex files with erb to be turned into a...
276,045 下载
qbwc 1.1.0
A Rails interface for Intuit's Quickbooks Web Connector that's OPEN SOURCE!
275,558 下载
devise-secure_password 2.1.0
Adds configurable password policy enforcement to devise.
274,693 下载
maily 2.1.0
Maily is a Rails Engine to manage, test and navigate through all your email templates o...
273,577 下载
hanmoto 0.7.0
Hanmoto provides a simple way to manage public pages with Asset Pipeline.
272,941 下载
kaminari-mongo_mapper 1.0.1
kaminari-mongo_mapper lets your MongoMapper models be paginatable
272,581 下载
area_code_validator 0.0.6
AreaCodeValidator is a small gem that validates a phone numbers area code to a state.
271,584 下载
judge 3.1.0
Validate Rails forms on the client side, simply
271,405 下载
govuk_template 0.26.0
Rails engine supplying the GOV.UK header/footer template
269,292 下载
govuk_admin_template 7.0.0
Styles, scripts and templates for GOV.UK admin applications
267,981 下载
govuk_notify_rails 3.0.0
Custom ActionMailer delivery method for sending emails via GOV.UK Notify API
267,003 下载
nfg_ui 7.0.0
The embodied design system for Network for Good.
266,718 下载